The Journey Ahead (35)

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// Y/N POV //

I finally started to come to and my vision cleared up almost instantly. I sat up and looked around to see no one around me, but was met with a large pain on the back of my head. I felt the area and I could hardly touch it without wincing in pain. I attempted to stand, but needed support from a tree to help me. I heard faint mumbling coming from behind a tree, so I went to see what was going on.

I slowly peeked from behind the tree and saw the guy that I presumed to have taken me pointing a gun at a colored man who sat on a log away from him. The man who took me had long, wavy, dark brown hair. And spoke with the same low, calm tone he did before.

The man he was pointing a gun to caught my gaze and then looked to a rock that was sitting just off to the side of me. As the man kept talking I slowly crept over to go and pick it up. Meanwhile, the one who gave me hints about the rock went to grab something, but was stopped by my kidnapper.

"Be still, just, be still." He said with a sly grin. I slowly inched closer and closer to him until a twig snapped under my weight. The man turned around and pointed the gun at me, but the other one smacked him in the back of the head with his long staff. All of a sudden another guy with a "W" carved on his head came out and practically jumped me. The man that was helping me came in and hit the other guy as well as my kidnapper again. It was at this point that me and the one who has been helping me were back to back and met with the two who tried to kill us. I threw the rock at my kidnappers head sending him to collapse to the ground while my partner knocked the other one out. We stood there with heavy breathing and our eyes locked on each other. Although he helped me out, I don't know if it's necessarily safe to trust this guy.

"Morgan." He said outstretching his had to me. I hesitantly took it and shook his hand.


He nodded and moved both of the men to the back of an abandoned car that sat off to be side of his little campfire area.

I held he door open as he set them in the backseat. Morgan then moved to the front and honked the horn a couple times. He grabbed something when exiting the car, but I didn't quite see what it was.

"We should probably go, before they come." He said. I nodded in agreement and followed after him. We gathered up all of his belongings and took the others' as well.

"I live in this community, we have people, good people. Food, water, even electricity believe it or not."

"No thanks, I'm looking for someone, but I'm lost. Mind telling me where we are?" He asked handing me a map all folded up. I went to unfold it, but once I saw the writing on the bottom of the page, I somewhat froze.

"Who did you say you were looking for?" I questioned.

"Rick Grimes, a friend of mine." As he said this I bit my lip and looked to the ground trying to decide if he was telling the truth.

"Tell me about this 'Rick' how do you two know each other?"

"We met a month or so after the world went down and the dead took over. Last I heard from him, he was stationed at a prison." I stepped back and smiled knowing that we could have a potential addition to the group, one we could trust.

"Come on, I'll show you." I said giving him back the map. He gave me a questioning look but let me lead.


We had been walking for some time now, when we almost broke past the tree line into Alexandria, we were met with a huge mass of walkers. Drawing in closer and closer, causing us to re-route. At this point, I was clueless really to where we were. If it hadn't been for those walkers we would've been back by now. I just hope Daryl isn't freaking out over my whereabouts.

"How far away is this place?" Morgan asked from behind me.

"We have to take another direction, those walkers messed up the only way I really knew, so it's at the point where we look for anything familiar." He nodded and continued to follow.

We approached a huge factory type building. Large trucks with pictures of canned goods scattered the lot. Walkers flooded the place and all drew to one place in particular. I waved it off and pulled the map back out.

"If we're here, then camp should be around-"

"There are people in there." Morgan said as he pointed to an abandoned car with walkers swarming it.

"How can you be so sure? It could just be an animal that got trapped." I said turning my attention back to the map.

"No, there wouldn't be a hoard that big over an animal, come on." He said pulling out his wooden staff from his bag and following the fence towards the gate.

"Woah woah, what? Have you lost your mind?!" I said running in front of him and practically begging him to stop.

"Long time ago." He said fiddling with the loose lock on the fence gate.

"But why that guy? You don't know him! What did he ever do for you?" I questioned, hoping he would see what I was implying.

"All life is precious Y/N, wouldn't you want to be saved if that was you in that car?" He asked. I looked from him to the car and let out a sigh.

"Let's just get this over with." I mumbled in defeat. With a good tug, the lock and chains came off, and the gate swung open. We entered the lot and one by one, walkers started to notice. Morgan went in and immediately took out two with one swift swing of his staff. I took three out with my knife. This continued for a bit until we finally reached the car. The walkers were drawn to whoever was inside so they didn't take in our appearances as quickly as the others did. Morgan bashed one's brains in against the car window, allowing easy access to the door.

He yanked on the handle and practically pulled out whoever was inside. I didn't get a good enough glimpse at who it was, the walkers were closing in, and we weren't safe yet. Morgan shouted out to me as I plunged my blade into the skull of another walker. More and more followed after, but I couldn't stay to take them all out. I then ran as fast as I could after Morgan and the other guy. Apparently there were two in the car, because someone else followed shortly behind us.

Once we reached the gate, Morgan and the other two shut it and wrapped the chain around it as tight as possible. The walkers bombarded the gates as their arms stuck through the holes, desperately trying to latch onto us.

I somewhat hid behind Morgan, knowing he would keep me safe if these guys were bad news. Him and I were covered in walker blood so it was hard to make out our appearances. The more hidden the better.

"That, that was- thank you!" One said. I peeked over Morgan's shoulder and saw that it was Aaron who was speaking.

"Aaron?" I questioned stepping out from behind Morgan. The two guys looked to me and their eyes widened. I switched my gaze to the other and saw Daryl standing there with his crossbow dangling from his hand. He dropped it and stormed up to me, engulfing me in a huge hug, not caring that I had blood and guts all over me.

"I thought I'd never see you again." He whispered in my ear and then kissed my cheek. I felt tears threatening to fall, but they were happy tears. My hands clenched the back of Daryl's vest as if I was going to slip away any moment. Stifled laughs came from me as I hugged him tighter. I stepped away and looked back at him and Aaron.

"Nice to see you again." Aaron said smiling and waving a hand. I went to go hug him, but he stepped away and put his hands up. "Later." He smiled and I couldn't help but laugh at how he didn't want to get dirty.

"Guys, this is Morgan. He saved me from a couple of guys and helped me along the way." Daryl stepped up from behind me and pulled me close to him by wrapping his arm around my middle. He nodded at Morgan, sending him a silent thank you just as he did the same in return.

"Daryl, he knows Rick." I gave Daryl the map and pointed to the writing. He looked up at Morgan and nodded once more, but started off back to the woods, dragging me with him. Aaron and Morgan followed after.

"Won't get back til nightfall, so keep your eyes out and stay alert. He said over his shoulder back to them. They nodded and followed Daryl and I.

The Journey Ahead | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now