The Journey Ahead (38)

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A couple hours have passed since the burial of Pete in the woods. After we got back, Rick held a meeting with the people of Alexandria and the group. Discussing the plan over what to do with the walkers we saw at the quarry.

Daryl sat next to the window away from everyone else. Since the room was packed, I sat on the floor next to where he was. Everyone was on edge, and wanted answers.

"We need people. Daryl's takin his motorcycle and leadin the herd. Who else?" Rick said aloud and waited for anyone to speak up.

"I'll take a car, follow next to him. He can't do it alone." Sasha said. Just after, Abraham spoke up and said he would go with Sasha, keep her in tact. Rick nodded and remained quiet while waiting for anyone else to speak up. Glenn said he was in, and Nicholas then raised his hand offering to go. I saw the look of disappointment and hatred on Glenn's face, confused as to why he would look so down upon Nicholas like that.

Since no one else was offering to go, I started to raise my hand, only for it to be pushed down by Daryl. I looked to him with confusion while he kept the same emotionless state he is best known for having.


"You know what." He said in a low voice, only loud enough for him and I to hear.

"Daryl I'll be fine."

"No, I don't want you out there." Daryl said holding my hand in his. He rubbed small circles over my knuckles and kept a firm grip on me. "It's too dangerous."

I looked all around his face and then back to his eyes, examining how blue they were. The longer I looked into them, the more lost I would get. "You know that's not the only reason." I said at a whisper.

He bit his bottom lip slightly and nodded while continuing all eye contact. "I know."

"So that's it huh? You kill a guy and we're all supposed to just fall in line behind you." Carter said.

"I don't see anyone else stepping up." Rick said while gesturing to the whole room of people.

"What if this doesn't work, huh? Do you even have a back up?"

Rick looked to Carter and took a minute to let the silence fill the air. He then looked to everyone else, Alexandrians and all and then nodded.

"Hopefully we won't need one." He said.

"You be careful, alright?" I said to Daryl as he geared up his motorcycle for the journey ahead. He adjusted his crossbow on the back and then put both hands on the handlebars.

"Am I ever not?" He said expecting me not to answer.

"Well there was that one time you fell down the hill at Hershel's and accidentally impaled yourself with an arrow, when you and Aaron were trapped in that car and surrounded by walkers, when you-"

"Okay okay I get it. Sometimes you're a pain in the ass ya know that?" He said smirking. I kissed him on the cheek and smiled back.

"That's why you love me." He nodded and then looked back to me.

"Give or take." I slapped his shoulder and stepped back while he revved up his motorcycle. I waved bye as he drove off with Abraham and Sasha. I watched them leave just until the gate was shut and obstructed my view.

I walked over to see Rick gearing up to leave as well, so I thought I'd stop to talk to him.

"Hey Rick."

"Hey." He said, his mind completely focused on what he was doing. "I'm surprised you didn't volunteer to come, usually you're the first to go on runs." He said sounding confused.

The Journey Ahead | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now