The Journey Ahead (13)

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^^^ "Take Me a To Church" by: Hozier ^^^

We all walked down the train tracks in search of somewhere to settle down. Daryl and I lagged behind, taking in each other's presence. He wasn't one for PDA, but when it came to me he was willing to do anything to show me he cares.

I took long strides, stepping on each of the planks of wood on the train tracks. I made a game out of it, Daryl soon catching on. We did this for a while until I started to get tired and unbalanced.

"Givin up?" He said, his arms were held out on both sides, struggling to keep his balance. He looked over to me with a playful glint in his eyes and smirked.

"You wish." I said.

I was just about to topple over until I regained my balance yet again. Not even realizing the group was watching us, I kept my eyes fixed on my feet. Watching where I step.

"What are you two doing?" Rick said up ahead. A couple sounds of laughter were heard as Daryl and I probably looked like idiots the whole time.

"Beating Y/N at her own game."

"In your dreams!"

He leaned over the tracks and nudged my side, causing me to fall off of the tracks and stumble into the grass. I glared up at him but had a smile on the whole time. He stuck his tongue out and started to laugh along with the others.

"Cheater." I mumbled under my breath as I rejoined him on the tracks. He swung his arm around me and kissed my forehead.

"You love me though." He smiled. I rolled my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder.

Our little break was interrupted by the sound of someone screaming. Weapons at the ready, the group scanned the area, looking for any sign of life around.

Carl ran ahead and saw a break in the woods, he ran over to Rick and urged him to follow.

"Come on!"

Rick looked around the group for any looks that said otherwise. He nodded and we all ran through the woods, desperate in finding whoever was yelling.

We met the opening in the trees and saw a hoard of walkers take down a lone survivor. The terror in his voice was heart breaking as the corpses ripped him apart limb from limb. I shuttered from the thought that this is what our world has come to. We can't be safe anymore, no matter where we go, what we do, there will always be danger around every turn.

I was brought back to reality by the sounds of another voice yelling for help. The rest of the group ran ahead as I lagged somewhat behind. I didn't want to face another victim, so I kept my distance.

Up ahead was a man dressed in an all black outfit balled up on a large rock. He consistently tried to kick the walkers away, but they weren't letting up. Before he could scream again, Rick, Carl, Michonne and Glenn took out the surrounding walkers. It was then silent forms few minutes, then Rick spoke up.

"Come down." His harsh southern accent sent a shiver down my spine. Rick normally didn't act the big bad role, but when the group was at risk, he completely changed.

He slowly slid off of the rock and looked around the group, surveying our faces. He stopped at me for a moment, his eyes grew wide. I stood there under the pressure of his gaze, not knowing what to do. He eventually snapped out of it and looked to Rick.

"Th-thank you."

"You alright?"

The man held up his hand as if telling us to wait. Then, practically threw up on Rick. We turned away, giving him some decency.

The Journey Ahead | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now