The Journey Ahead (15)

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^^^ "Me and My Broken Heart" by: Rixton ^^^
- Doesn't really relate to chapter, I just like the song :)

"Y/N!" I heard Daryl yell from behind me. I don't even want to look back. I forgave him far too many times, this was too far. They could have taken em out with a single gunshot. To rip away at someone's body like that is gruesome and Inhumane.

"Dammit Y/N stop!" He said grabbing my shoulder, I ripped away from him and turned around to see the same pained expression he had moments ago, except it was now mixed in with anger.

"What's all that about?" He said.

"All of that? You slaughtered a person Daryl! It was different with Len, it was different with Gareth, but this!? This was way too far!" I yelled back.

"So what? I can't protect those that matter to me? What would happen if we let them come after you, after Carl, after Judith!"

"There are other ways Daryl, you didn't have to hack away at him!"

We stood there breathing heavily. His eyes fixed on mine as we stood there studying he others reactions.

"Dale was right. This group is broken." I said before turning on my heel and walking down the street.

"Don't say that." He said from behind me, his voice was lower than before, meaning that he had calmed down somewhat.

"Really? Give me one good example proving that we are still who we once were Daryl." He looked to the ground as if searching for an answer and paused, taking a deep breath. He looked back up to me and said nothing.

"That's what I thought."

"Can we at least talk this out? You can't be mad over something like this."

"Don't, talk to me."

He tried to lean in and pull me towards him, but I slapped his arm away and shuffled back a bit. He took the hint and began to walk down the road back to the church. He ran his hands through his hair, as if trying to calm himself down.

Before he was out of reach, a car came barreling down the road. I ran behind a group of trees and joined him in the process. I watched the car speed down the path and get smaller and smaller as it got further and further. Before it was completely gone my eyes caught onto a familiar marking on the car's back window. The same white cross that was on the car that took Beth was on this one as well.

"Beth." I whispered.


"Beth! Those are the people that took Beth!" I said, my voice getting progressively louder the more and more I realized it.

Daryl looked around and then grabbed my arm, pulling me down the road. As much as I didn't want him to even touch me, I let him guide me to wherever.

We approached a car that was stationed to the side of the road and checked to see if it worked. Daryl not wired it and apt he engine roared to life. I hopped inside as Daryl went around the back and used the butt of his crossbow on the taillights, smashing them both out.

We were on our way in the middle of the night to hunt down the car that could lead us to Beth.

= Later On =

The car ride was long and tiring, Daryl drove the whole way, but I was just as tired. It was awkward the entire time, not one of us saying a word. I looked out the window to see the trees pass us by. It was the break of dawn and still pretty dark out. The only light source we had was the one headlight that actually worked.

Daryl cleared his throat and looked over to me. My eyes still fixed on the road. He slowly shifted his hand and placed it on mine, but I slipped i
Away and crossed my arms.

"Please talk to me." He said. I kept quiet and watched the overgrown grass blow in the wind as we passed by.

"Okay, then I'll talk." He said. "I didn't mean for it to go down like that."

"Then why did it." I said looking over to him.

He let out a sigh and switched his gaze constantly back and forth between me and the road.

"They almost got to you, to Carl and Judith. I couldn't live with myself If any of you got hurt. I treat those kids as if they were my own and I couldn't handle anyone gettin their hands on em... Or you."

I looked up and locked eyes with him for a moment before breaking away and looking ahead.

"You are the one I fight for. The only reason I'm still here." He said attempting to hold my hand again, this time I let him. "And if that isn't as good enough a reason for going through this hell day by day then I don't know what is." He finished.

"I just don't want to lose you." I said, my voice cracking on the last part.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to lose the Daryl I know, the one I've grown to love. The one that is there for me every time and knows just how to comfort me. I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you." He looked down for a split second before studying the road ahead.

"I've seen what you're like when it gets into one of those situations. Up you aren't who you were. It's like this, beast comes out and goes on a rampage. You lose yourself and go on an all out murdering spree."

He squeezed my hand and looked me in the eyes.

"I will try. I'm sorry I scared you as bad as I did. But I will never do anything to hurt you. Just know that."

I nodded and squeezed his hand back. He let out a sigh of relief, probably scared that I was going to leave him. I smiled at the thought that he would be upset if I wasn't in his life, that I was just that important to him.

= About an Hour Later =

We finally pulled into an abandoned town that was scattered with debris. The car that we followed was parked on the side of the curb. Daryl parked a ways behind it so if there was anyone in there they wouldn't notice us.

After about an hour of waiting for any signs of life, there was none. Daryl and I slowly made our way over to the car, weapons at the ready. We looked in to see nothing and no one.

"Dammit!" Daryl said as he kicked the car's tire.

"Maybe he went in there?" I said pointing to a large building just leading into the city.

"Maybe, cmon. Let's go." He said. We ran into the building and scoped the area for walkers, but only found two or three. Daryl took them out and headed up the stairs, I soon followed after.

The Journey Ahead | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now