The Journey Ahead (20)

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"The Lonely" by: Christina Perri // I know you can't listen to the music from the video but I highly suggest you listen to it while reading it for more of an impact. This is a really good song and I thought it would go well with this chapter. Love you all, enjoy ~

// Y/N's POV //

I awoke to see Beth still sound asleep on my lap. My neck ached from sitting upright while sleeping, so I tried to work out the kinks as best as I could. I looked at the clock on the wall to see that it actually worked. It read 5:32, I let out a long yawn and got up from the bed, leaving Beth lying there. I walked up to the window and placed my hand on the chilled glass. I looked out over the city that once was and looked at the remains.

All I wanted was to get back to the group with Beth. I've been gone long enough, and I felt way out of place here. Not to mention that Daryl clouded my thoughts. I still felt the guilt that made me regret what I said to him. But in that moment, and still. I don't know how he'd ever love someone like me. I'm not skinny, I'm sure as hell not pretty. And as he said, I'm a burden. If I mentioned this to Beth she would yell at me and say "that's not true" so I kept the feeling hidden inside.

"Y/N?" I heard Beth's groggy tone and turned around to see her shuffling over to me near the window.

"Get enough sleep?" I asked her, she just nodded and rubbed her eyes.

"Cmon, we gotta get going." She said.

"Go where?"

"Dawn has us volunteer with the patients. Makes us earn our keep."

"Oh, okay." She pointed to a chair in the corner to some scrubs that were left out for me. I went to go put them on but nearly collapsed under my own weight by putting pressure on my leg.

"Are you okay?" She said placing her hand on my lower back and the other on my arm, trying to steady me.

"Y-yeah, somewhat."

"If you want I can talk Dawn into letting you take the day off."

"No, no, I can do it. Just give me time to adjust." I said while holding a death grip on the chair before me so I wouldn't fall. She nodded and walked out the door to go tend to the patients. I changed into the scrubs and walked over to take a good look at myself. My hair was all nappy, my skin was bruised and scarred. I looked like one of the walkers. All I needed was the walk and the groaning and I could get by as one. My fingers grazed the scar under my eye from where Gareth cut me. The horrid memories came flooding back, causing me to get immediate head pain. I steadied myself and walked out the door to the hallway.

it was mostly empty except for a few cops wandering the hallway. I skimmed each of the rooms to see where Beth had gone until I stopped in front of one that caught my attention.

I saw Beth being pushed up against the side of a hospital bed with Gordon at her side. He was slowly pushing a lollipop in her mouth. She tried to pull away but he persisted. I barged in the room and ripped him off of her.

"Get the fuck off of my sister!!"

He stepped back and looked between the two of us. All of a sudden a smirk grew on his face as we stood there.

"Sisters huh?" He eyed Beth and I up and down and licked his lips hungrily. I grabbed Beth's arm and yanked her out of the room after me.

"Where Ya goin ladies?" He said with a playful glint in his eyes. I tried my hardest to keep my voice down, but I was pissed. My voice reached its climax as I basically lost my sanity.

"You EVER touch me or my sister again I will cut what little you have down there and feed it to the walkers!" He cringed at the thought and his smirk disappeared. I turned around and grabbed Beth's arm again.

The Journey Ahead | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now