The Journey Ahead (18)

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My entire body ached from head to toe. At first I couldn't move, but I eventually eased up and flexed my fingers. My side was stiff and I had no idea where I was. The room was so cleaned, so organized, almost as if someone had cleaned it twice a day. I sat up and buried my face in my hands. What happened?

I was startled by the sound of a door opening. I looked up to see a lady staring there. She was dressed in a police uniform with her hair pulled back tight into a bun. She looked as though she was stuck up, but greeted me with a smile.

"I'm glad you're awake, you suffered major head trauma when they brought you in. Do you remember your name?"

"Y/N" I said, quick to answer. I tried so hard to remember something, anything that could remind me of what went down before I came here, but where was here?

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Grady Memorial Hospital, you are in good hands."

Then, it clicked. That one name caused memories to come flooding back. the van being flipped over, the medical kit with the label on the inside... Daryl.

"t-the msn I was with, is he here too?" I asked frantically searching over her shoulder, hoping to see him waiting outside in the hall or something. the woman placed both each of her hands on my shoulders and sat me back down on the hospital bed.

"you were alone, the officers that brought you here said you were being chased by something."

I looked to the ground and immediately regretted every decision I've ever made. Those things, the shameful words I said to Daryl, no wonder he said what he said, it was all true. I was just an accident waiting to happen. I guess this time it happened to me.

"i-is there a gir-"

the static coming from the woman's radio interrupted me. she clicked it off and excused herself from the room. Before completely leaving, she turned around and poked her head in the room.

"there are some clothes that should fit you on the chair over there. when you're ready, be sure to have a look around." with that, she left.


I opened the door and let myself out into the hallway. there were patients, cops and other bystanders wandering around aimlessly in the hospital. I walked past a small group of cops chatting about whatever and waved to them. They greeted me with kind faces and then turned back to talking. I looked ahead to see another nurse turn the corner. Her hair was up into a nappy blonde pony tail and she seemed a little young. I didn't get a good enough look at her face, but something about her seemed familiar... i went to go and follow her until i bumped into and officer before me.

"Better watch where you're goin missy." he said with a sly smirk.

"Sorry sir," I went to pass him, but he cut in front of me and walked a bit closer.

"ya know, when somebody saves your life, its only polite to thank them."

"um, I'm sorry?"

"i was one of the ones to bring ya in, oh wait thats right, you were out cold when we got ya."

"Gee, ever think that was because you ran me off the road with your car?"

he stood back and smiled at my answer. He got a little too close for comfort and placed his hand on my hip, i slapped it away and moved back a bit, bumping into a cart behind me.

"Leave her alone Gordon." The woman from before said as she placed her hand on the gun in her holster, was she seriously considering shooting indoors?!

"Til then." The man now known as Gordon whispered in my ear and walked away licking his lips. His creepiness sent a chill down my spine and caused me to shutter.

"You okay?" she said.

"who was that guy?"

"Gordon, one of the officers that works here. just, try to keep your distance from him."

"don't need to tell me twice." She pat my shoulder and was on her way. I went back to what I was doing and walked down the hallway, turning the corner.

I saw the same girl from before standing there with her back turned to me. i walked closer and closer until I was a good distance to where I could make out her features. She turned in my direction for me to get a good look a her.


I didn't have to say anything for her to quickly take notice and realize I was standing there. She looked as though she'd seen a ghost. her eyes were wide and she was shaking slightly. But within seconds, she was sprinting down the hallway, dodging people as she ran. I attempted to meet her halfway, but the pain in my side was preventing me from going any further. She collided into me and engulfed me in a tight hug. Her hands constantly gripped the back of my shirt, trying to get a good grip on me, afraid that if she let me go I would slip away. She was crying nonstop into my shoulder as I had done the same.

"Y/N, h-how did you-"

"shhh, i'm here now, thats all that matters, it's all that matters." I said through choked up sobs.

we pulled away from each other and took in our appearances. She had two large gashes on her face, one on her forehead, the other on her cheek. I ran my rhumb across the stitches on her cheek as my hand held her warm face.

Her happy attitude suddenly changed once she saw the scars and marks all over my body. Falling off of a bridge in a van, getting hit by a car, my face getting sliced, and everything else that had happened all showed up on my body. I call them my battle scars, makes them sound cooler.

// Later On - Night //

everyone had retired to their separate rooms, while Beth and I shared mine. We both sat on the hospital bed. my back against the wall while she sat at the foot of the bed facing me. we spent hours catching up about just about everything. She got so happy when I told her about Maggie and the group, she nearly ran around in circles.

"Hey, whats that?" she asked pointing to my neck. I skimmed the rough leather strap back to the knot that bound it together and unclasped it. I ran my thumb over the little 'D' engraving and clutched it in my grasp.

"Y/N, what is it!?" she said grabbing for it like a child.

"Dammit Beth chill!" She sat back and waited for me to continue. I let out a deep sigh and went on with the story.

"Daryl made it for me."

"What? Daryl? Lemmie see." I placed it in her hands as she kept tuning it over and over, studying every detail.

"He doesn't seem like the creative type." She said. I smirked and took the necklace back.

"Nah, just a fool in love." I realized I had slipped the secret and Beth's eyes instantly grew big. I put my hand over my face and tried to hide the fact that I told her the 'big secret'

"You and Daryl?! No way! That's awesome Y/N!"

She pulled me in for a hug and I gladly returned it. It was funny to see her all happy again. He cheerfulness always seemed to lift my spirits.

She started to get tired and rested her head down on my lap. I stroked her blonde hair and listened to her humming.

"I'm glad you found someone, Daryl is a good man. He might not show it, but he's a keeper." She said before nodding off to sleep.

I sat there, my back against the wall, realizing how good Daryl was to me. I was a burden, and he sought to protect me through the toughest of times. I just can't believe it took me until now to realize it. I shut my eyes trying to keep the tears from coming and held the necklace tight in my hand.

"Goodnight love." I said in a whisper. Before I knew it, I nodded off to sleep as well.

Well this chapter wasn't the greatest :/ the next two are gonna be really like, woah so be prepared! Love Ya guys! <3

The Journey Ahead | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now