The Journey Ahead (10)

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Okay so I skipped the journey to Terminus, sorry! But it will get really good and really emotional from here on. So if you don't like anything associated with emotions, pain, heartache or like 'sappy' things, then I bid you a good day! For those who choose to stick around, I hope you enjoy the next chapter! More to come! :)

As we approached the fence surrounding Terminus, I took in the surroundings very carefully. The tall trees with their abundance of leaves acted as a roof over the forest we passed through. Dried leaves were scattered everywhere and all summed up into a fall coloring.

Before we went any further, Rick put his hand up as if telling us to stop. He pointed at a nearby tree and traced the ground to a clear spot on the ground. He took out a small hand-held shovel from his bag and began to dig a hole.

"What are you doing?" I questioned. He placed the large blue duffel bag in the hole and unzipped it revealing a wide array of weapons. He pulled out a pistol and passed another to carl and I.

"Just in case." He said as he covered it back up with dirt and the dead leaves.

We hopped the fence and made our way to the back of a brick building. The area was pretty big, so we were taking it step by step. Daryl was holding on to the handle of the door, ready to push through as soon as possible. Rick gave him the signal and we all went in.

Rick lead, Daryl behind him. I stayed back with Michonne and Carl as the guys made sure it was clear. We walked into a large open room and saw a lady sitting down at a desk repeating the same phrase over and over again into a microphone. Those who arrive survive, Terminus, a sanctuary for all. I looked around the room and saw a couple more people stationed at small, individual booths working on something. Rick cleared his throat and got everyone's attention. The lady at the microphone looked at us in horror as the others were mostly confused. One individual stepped forward with a grin on his face and his hands folded.

"Welcome!... I see you found your way through the back entrance, smart."

He looked like he hadn't seen the mess of the world outside in months, like he was calm and nonchalant about everything. He approached us with all smiles and joy, but something seemed off about him. Apparently I wasn't the only one that saw this either. Daryl shifted his stance quite a bit, probably due to the uncomfortable vibe this guy was giving off.

"But, where are my manors, I'm Gareth. Welcome to Terminus." He smiled and outstretched an arm out to Rick, but he denied.

"Looks like you've been on the road a while."

"Yeah, we have." Rick said. A long awkward silence filled the air until Gareth decides to open his mouth again.

"Look, I get it, you're nervous! That how we were at first. Come on, I'll show Ya around." He said. Rick glanced over at Daryl, Michonne, Carl and I looking for our hint of approval. Rick nodded at Gareth and began to step forward but was brought to a stop.

"If we're going to continue, I'm gonna need you to give up your weapons. Ya know, safety precautions."

Rick laid his gun on the ground as carl did his as well. I put mine next to Ricks and saw Michonne and Daryl hesitant to part with their beloved armory. Michonne eventually put her katana on the ground before her and Daryl the same with his crossbow.

Gareth called two guys over to pat us down and make sure we didn't have anything hidden. As the men made their way down the line, one eventually reached me and started to pat me down. He pat my side and I winced in pain. He hit the spot that I fell on at the home Daryl and I set up in for a bit.

"Oh, sorry." Was all he said. I heard a low, gruff sound of annoyance and anger escape Daryl as he stared daggers at the man that patted me down. I snaked my hand in his and gave him a reassuring glance.

The Journey Ahead | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now