XXII. Love Is Fleeting

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"I guess a 'congratulations' is in order," Alec and I simultaneously looked down, when we heard a familiar voice speak out to us.

Magnus stood on the front lawn with a smile on his face, looking up at us.

"About time, lovebirds," he said, raising his eyebrows at us.

"Mag?" I asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, buttercup, I hate to be the one to put a damper on your lovefest, but there's an emergency," he said.

Alec and I sat up, and exchanged a quick glance of understanding, before scattering to our feet and jumping down to join Magnus on the lawn, just as Izzy and Stefan came walking out of the house.

"We've got a problem," Izzy said, as she and Stefan joined us.

Alec glanced at her. "Yeah, we heard. What's going on?"

"Jace called," Izzy stopped beside us, facing Magnus. "I'm guessing that's why you're here?"

"Precisely, Isabelle," Magnus nodded at her, before shifting his eyes between the four of us. "The Cup is missing."

"What?" Alec was the first to ask. "How?"

"Lydia was attacked before she could get it back to Idris," Magnus explained, briefly.

"By who?" Izzy asked.

"Jace and Clary are trying to figure that out as we speak," Magnus said. "They believe it was an inside job."

"It had to have been," Izzy shook her head in disbelief, and turned to look at Alec. "But who? Who would betray us like that?"

I looked at her, and she glanced at me. "You'd be surprised to know that even those closest to you can betray you like it's nothing, Iz."

"Well, regardless of who it is... You all need to get back to the Institute now," Magnus said. "I don't trust anyone else in that damn place to figure it out. The entire shadow world will be at risk if Valentine gets a hold of that Cup."

"Then let's get that son of a bitch," I spoke for all of us. "Mag, if you'd do the honors?"

He threw me a quick smirk, before turning around to open us a portal back to New York. One by one, we each followed him through it, suddenly appearing in front of the Institute.

"I'll leave you all to it," Magnus said, looking around at the four of us before setting his eyes on me. "I've got other business to attend to, but don't hesitate to call me if you need me, buttercup."

"I will," I nodded. "Thanks, Mag."

He gave me a smile, and stepped back through the portal, leaving the four of us alone.

We all briefly glanced at one another, before walking towards the Institute and stepping inside. We immediately headed to the ops center, where we were greeted with some not-so-friendly faces.

"Alec, Isabelle," Maryse quickly walked up to us with Robert. "Where the hell have you two been?" she looked between her children, intently, before taking a quick glance at Stefan and I. "Of course," she scoffed, bitterly. "All hell breaks loose, and here you two are chasing after some downworlders."

"They're not downworlders," Izzy told her.

"They're vampires, are they not?" Maryse looked at her.

"Yes, we are," I nodded, causing her to shift her eyes to me. "But if I recall correctly, I am also your beloved Angel's daughter."

"Ah, yes," she took a step towards me. "The Angel's daughter," her voice was full of venom. "We would have been better off never knowing about you, my children included."

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