VI. Unfinished Business

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"I'm sure you've been waiting for this moment since Kol died!"

Elena's words echoed in my head, as I stood in front of the fireplace in the living room with my arms crossed, staring down at the fire burning.

"Are you okay?" someone asked behind me.


"I'm surprised you're still here," I said, quickly wiping off the single tear that had trailed down my cheek. "I thought you'd be halfway to New York by now."

"You thought I left?" he took a few steps towards me.

I turned my head slowly to look at him. "I wouldn't have blamed you if you did." I shrugged. "I nearly ripped someone's heart out in front of you."

"You were hurt," he said. "Angry."

I turn around completely. "I was vengeful."

"She was the one who got your brother killed, wasn't she?" he asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. "And I lost it. If it weren't for Damon and Stefan, I probably would've killed her... And they would've never forgiven me."

He looked down, and I sighed. "You should take my car and head back to New York without me."

"I can't leave without you," he said. "You told Izzy you'd come back for the blood test."

"Don't you get it?" I asked, closing the distance between us. "Even if that blood test proves that I am your Angel of Peace, I'd cause your world more harm than good. God, I nearly killed someone I considered a friend tonight out of spite!" I said. "I mean, do you really think I'd be able to bring peace instead of destruction to your world?"

"I don't know, okay?" he replied. "But you told us you'd do the blood test, and you're going to do the blood test."

I locked my eyes with his. "Fine. I'll do the damn blood test." I paused. "But if by any chance I'm the reason your world gets destroyed... It's on you." I walked past him, and grabbed my keys off the table.

I heard him sigh deeply, but follow after me as I headed out of the parlor.

I didn't mean what I said. If their world got destroyed because of me, it'd be on me. Not him. He's good. He fends off demons to protect mankind for God's sake. But the words slipped out, and I couldn't take them back. Correction, I have too much pride to take them back.

"Where are you going?" Damon asked, as Alec and I approached the front door.

I looked at him. "Back to New York. I've got some... unfinished business."

"You mind if we tag along?" Stefan asked.

"Seriously?" I furrowed. "What about Elena?"

"Elena is locked up, and needs time to lose her strength," he said. "So what do you say? Can your big brothers tag along with you to New York?"

"Hell yeah," I smiled, opening the door. "Let's go."


"Mother, welcome back," Alec said, walking up to an older brunette in the training room with Izzy, Clary, and Jace. "We didn't expect you."

Long story short, after Damon, Stefan, Alec, and I arrived in New York early this morning at four, we slept at my apartment for a few hours until Alec dragged me to the Institute to do the blood test at noon. Ever since then, he's just been showing me around to pass time while we wait for Izzy to tell us what's up with my blood.

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