#10 Search and Rescue

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Natalia's P.O.V

Astrid gasped softly as I mutely stared at the face so like my own that was in front of me.
There's no way it could be that easy to find my dad.
Yet, here he was, it seemed.
I sort of felt like I was dreaming, because after not seeing my dad for so long and then him standing in front of me, well it was a weird sensation.
Wait, wait, wait, WAIT.
Back up a bit.
Astrid gasped?
Did she know I was searching for my father?
If so, what else did she know?
I will admit, not having to explain my whole time traveling problem and everything else would be a huge relief.
Not quite brave enough to look my dad in the eyes, I turned to Astrid with a questioning look.
She saw the look and nodded.
"I know about your dad," she said quietly. "Hiccup told me about your search."
"And so you know about my, uh, special talent?" I asked warily.
Astrid smiled.
"You mean time travel?" she asked.
I sighed with relief then nodded.
"Yes, I know about that as well," Astrid said, smiling. "and for the record, I think it's awesome."
Well, she seemed to be taking it well.
"Thank you," I said quietly.
"Natalia, is it really you, my daughter?"
I heard a soft voice say.
I winced as a bunch of memories associated with that voice overloaded my brain.
I slowly turned to face my father.
"Um, yes, it's me dad," I managed to choke out.
It was silent for a moment, until my father burst out with questions.
"How did you get here-"
"-Who is this girl with you-"
"How did Warrath capture you-"
"-Is your mom alright? Speaking of your mom, where is she?"
I stepped back and held up my hands as if to shield myself from the onslaught of questions.
Wincing as a sharp pain sliced up my right leg, I hastily schooled my features into a blank expression.
I was worried now.
Why weren't the healing agents working on my injury?
I'd had it for more than three days now!
Zoning back in, I realized my dad was still asking questions.
"Woah, dad, stop!" I said quickly to halt his questions, overcoming my shyness.
He stopped and looked sheepish, then studied my face.
"You grew so much," he said sadly.
I shifted uncomfortably.
"Well what did you expect dad? It's been three years." I replied.
"Three years..." he murmured to himself.
I glanced at Astrid and shrugged.
I wasn't really sure how to act around him.
I mean, I remembered him as my dad, but there were a lot of things I now knew about him that changed how I looked at him.
Not to mention that it had been three years.
We had both undeniably changed drastically, and I didn't know if that was good or bad.
"We have a lot to talk about," I said finally.
My dad nodded vigorously.
"but first, we need to figure out how to escape."
I looked around.
"Anyone have any ideas?"
No one answered for a minute, then a devious grin spread across Astrid's face.
Uh oh.
That couldn't be good.
Astrid held up her hand.
"I have an idea, that just might work." she stated.
"Alright, let's hear it then." I replied.
Astrid grinned.
"It's time to get your acting skills on," she said to dad and I.
Nope nope nope.
This wouldn't turn out good at all.
Oh well.
At this point I would try anything.
"This doesn't sound like a foolproof plan," Dad said suspiciously.
"I bet Hiccup and the others are already half way here," Astrid retorted.
"The best thing we can do is help them help us escape."
Okay then.
Here goes nothing.
"Who's Hiccup?" Dad asked.
I facepalmed.

Rose's P.O.V
"Are we there yet?" Eret asked for the thousandth time in a row.
"Oh for Thor's sake Eret!" Minow burst out.
"Can't you see with your own eyes if we're there or not?!"
I facepalmed in frustration.
Hours of hearing the beat-beat-beat of the Gronkles wings and hearing Eret's stupid voice ask the same thing over and over was grating on my nerves.
I shared an irritated look with Hiccup.
Hiccup rolled his eyes at Eret's antics then turned to face him.
"Eret, we are halfway there," Hiccup told him.
Eret didn't answer and grumpily slouched on his Gronkle.
Half a minute passed before his voice piped up again.
"Can we take five or something? Like, on the ground? Cuz my butt hurts."
I sighed through my nose then turned to face Eret.
"Eret," I started softly. "DO YOU SEE LAND ANYWHERE??" I shouted angrily. "WE, ARE OVER THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN!!"
"No need to shout," Eret replied all la dee da.
I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Okay, no need for fighting guys," Hiccup cut it.
"We're all a little tense because of the situation, but we can't help the girls escape if we don't work as a team."
I agreed there.
I fought back a yawn as I scanned the horizon.
I didn't sleep very well last night, because my brain had been whirring with all the possible outcomes of this escapade.
Not all of them were good outcomes.
I settled more comfortably in my seat as I watched carefully for any sign of the island.
Well, at least I brought my phone.
I could play games while flying to my doom.
Sounds fun.
Note my sarcasm.

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