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"So you're telling me that Sonic the Hedgehog has a girlfriend and didn't bother to tell his best friend!"

Tails yelled to Sonic. It was the next day and Sonic knew he had some explaining to do.

"This isn't a good idea for you to be around her, what if she's exactly like Shadow who I may remind you of that tried killing you countless of times!"

Amy yelled.

"She isn't like Shadow. Well sort of but she's better than him"

Sonic said defending his girlfriend.

"How so?"

Sticks asked.

"Because.....because she's different. Look if Shade didn't like me then she would had already killed me without hesitation and as for Shadow he changed"

"Change how exactly?"

Knuckles asked in confusion.

"Because then he wouldn't have come to me in the first place"

"That's because you're the only other hedgehog on this island that he's aware of"

Amy said angrily. Sonic shook his head as he rolled his eyes.

"That's not true. He said so himself that I'm the last person he would ever come to for to ask for help"

"What did he need help with?"

Tails asked curiously. Sonic was about to respond when he saw the time and gasp in shock.

"Oh no! I'm gonna be late!"

He yelled as he ran in sonic speed out of the house and into the dark deep forest where Shade was waiting for him near the lake. She stood standing there facing towards him with a glare.

"I don't know who you think I am but I am not going to be waiting up all ...."

She began to say but was cut off as Sonic quickly silence her as he pressed his lips to hers.

"I'm here now babe, that's all that should matter"

He said with a smile once he pulled away from the kiss. Shade simply looked away from him as she glare to the ground as she scoffs. Sonic linked his hand with hers as they sat down to look up to the sunset as the stars began to reveal itself.

"It's beautiful"

She said quietly looking up. Sonic look to her with a smile.


He said with a smile. Shade looked to him with a bored look.

"You're suppose to be looking up at the sky"

She said grabbing his chin and force him to look up. Sonic chuckle as he moved his chin away before nuzzling her cheek.

"Hey, you remember how we met?"

"I try not to"

She said before closing her eyes.


'Knock, knock'

Sonic went to open the door and was surprise to see Shadow the Hedgehog standing at his door in the middle of the night.

"Shadow? What are you doing here?"

"I need to have a word with you. It's urgent"

He said before walking away. Sonic frown before looking to Tails who was looking at him drowsy.

"Tails, you go back to sleep. I'm going to see what Shadow wants"

"Okay, just be careful"

He said before going back to sleep. Sonic closed the door as he followed Shadow.

"So what is it that you wanted to tell me?"

Sonic asked making sure to keep a good distance away from his rival in case he tries to catch him by surprise. Shadow remain quiet as they continue to walk.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Don't you ever shut up"

Shadow said once they entered the dark scary forest. Shadow soon came to a stop with his back to Sonic.

"I have a daughter"

He said quietly"


Sonic said in shock.

"Would you let me finish? Anyways, when Dr. Robotnik created me he also used my blood on a experiment with a regular hedgehog."

"Why are you telling me this?"

Sonic asked confusion.

"Because it's in her blood of her natural hedgehog instinct, she needs a mate"


Sonic asked pointing to himself. Shadow closed his eyes as he turn to face Sonic and handed him a paper bag.

"She's inside the water fall cave"

He said leaving Sonic alone. Sonic looked to where he can hear the water and followed the direction. He slowly made his way behind the water fall and stop as he heard a soft moan followed by panting. Sonic looked and came in shock to see a beautiful black hedgehog on her hands and knees shaking uncontrollably. He caught a particular scent in the air coming from the female.

'She's in heat'

He said to himself.


Sonic said catching the hedgehog's attention. The female simply looked at him with lust shown in her eyes.

"Do you need help?"

He asked. The female hedgehog bit her bottom lip seductively before turning around and lifting her ass up in the air giving Sonic a full view. Sonic swallow the lump on his throat as he got closer to her and down to his knees.

*End of Flashback*

"Let's get something straight, I was never yours to claim"

Shade said as she open her eyes. Sonic chuckled at her before an idea came to mind.

"Hey, I have an idea. How about tomorrow you meet my friends"

"I already seen your friends"

"I know but get to know them. They are like family to me, especially Tails."

"I really don't like socializing"

"Babe please"

"I'm busy tomorrow"

"Doing what?"

Sonic asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Avoiding everyone and everything"

Sonic couldn't help but laugh as he wraps his arms around her waist and hold her close.

"This is why I love you, you don't annoy me as much as everyone else"

Shade slightly glared at him.

"I don't talk to you at all"

"You see right there, you always speak your mind regardless what anyone else thinks"

Shade looked away to hide a blush that wanted to form. Sonic smiled as he forced her to look at him.

"Don't look away"

He said huskily as their lips were a few centimeters away.

"Just kiss me Blue"

She said lowly as she lowered her eyes before pressing her lips against his. Sonic soon pushed Shade down on the grass as he hover on top of her. They soon were left panting as they pulled away.

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