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"Well Shade, here it is, mine and Tails home"

Sonic said proudly. Shade step into the home with her arms crossed over her chest, she raised an eyebrow as she took a look around before coming to a quick conclusion.

"Ugh this place looks like a living..."


Said Knuckles cutting Shade off. Shade glared at the Echidna that interrupted her before letting out a groan as she saw more friends coming from behind Knuckles.

"Shade you remember my friends right? Knuckles, Tails, Amy and Sticks"

"Hi, nice to see you again"

Tails said as he stretched out his hand to Shade who simply glared at him.

"Don't touch me"

She said harshly causing Tails smile to die down and slowly put his hand down.

"Awww why the long face?"

Knuckles asked before quickly thinking of an idea.

"I know maybe you need a big hug"

He said with a wide smile.

"Don't even think about..."

Shade said but before she knew it, she was snatch by surprise as he brought her into a hug. Sonic raised an eyebrow.

"Um Knuckles I don't think that's a good id..."

Sonic said trailing off as Shade immediately jumped off Knuckles and smack him hard on the face.

"Beat it doofus"

She said with a growl.

"Hey, I have an idea, what about if Shade hangs out with each of you guys for a while for to get better acquainted"

Sonic said causing his girlfriend to glare at him.

"And what will you be doing?"

She asked harshly.

"Chilling at the beach, babe. Have fun"

He said as he put on his black sunglasses and gave Shade a peck on the lips before walking away. Everyone looked to Shade who grabbed a nearby vase.

"So, who's first?"

She asked as she crush the vase with her glove hand causing everyone to gulp.

*With Tails*

"Sonic and I have been best friends since forever, he's like a big brother to me"

"I don't care"

Shade said in a bored causing Tails to laugh nervously. They were inside Tail's lab.

"Well I am also a very important part of the team, I'm the one who makes all the tech"

"Do I have to repeat myself"

Shade said crossing her arms over her chest.

" do you mind if you can hand me that wrench"

Tails asked as he had his head inside the hood of the plane. Shade looked to him with a glare as she turn around to leave.

"I do mind"

She said leaving the lab.

*With Sticks*

"We have to be prepared for anything, aliens, zombies and you know the government taking over kind of thing"

She said showing off her gadgets. Shade looked to her bored.

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