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*9months Later @ Eggman's Base*

"Come on push!"

Yelled a female robot


Shade yelled angrily as she panted on the bed covered with sweat. In the next room over, Eggman, Shadow and Sonic were waiting patiently as they heard Shade's screams.

"I'm glad you build the robot for Shade"

Sonic said to Eggman who was twiddling his thumbs.

"Well I had no choice you threaten my life if I was to abort the child, since Shade was ban from the village I at least offered to build the robot for her"

Eggman said. Shadow look to Sonic and scoff.

"Hey come on, what's with that face? Aren't you excited to see your grandkid? You're going to be a grandpa"

Sonic said to Shadow who was leaning against the wall with his arms cross over his chest.

"You dragged me here, literally"

"Well it's a special occasion"

The screaming soon stopped causing the guys to look to the door in curiosity. The robot soon came out crying.

"What happen?"

Eggman asked her.

"She hurt my feelings!!"

She said rolling away. Eggman facepalm.

"YOU have no feelings"

He corrected. Sonic and Shadow shook their heads as they entered the room to see Shade sitting up on the bed putting on her jacket. Shade looked to them.


"Where's the baby?"

Sonic asked.

"It's over there, it wouldn't stop crying so I pushed the crib to the corner of the room"

She said as she got off the bed as she stretched. Sonic quickly went to make sure the baby was okay and was happy to see it sleeping and sucking on its thumb.

"Well what is it?"

Shadow asked.

"It's a boy"

Sonic answered as he carried the baby into his arms and made his way to Shade and Shadow.

"What did you name him?"

Sonic asked.

"I'm calling it, a it"

"Come on Shade, he needs a better name than that. I got it, how about Chase. Thank you Shade"

He said proudly.


Shade said looking away from him. Nine months ago Shade gave up and decided to have the baby after all much to her distaste.

"Hold him"

Sonic said handing the baby to Shade but she refused.

"I carried it for nine months, no more"

She said walking away. Shadow follow along with her, as well as Sonic and the new baby.

*Next Day*

"You haven't been feeding him?!"

Sonic asked in shock.

"It's not on my to do list"

"Shade for crying out loud feed the baby. Give him some milk"

He said trying to put the crying baby on to her chest.

"Get away from me"

She said angrily pushing the baby away from her chest.

"Shade don't be like that, now come on"

"Find another way to feed it, I'm going for a run"

She said walking away. Sonic shook his head in disbelief before looking down his child who was still crying, he gently rocked him in his arms.

"It's okay, your mommy loves you, she just has a hard time on showing it"

He said before nuzzling Chase who calm down a little.

"Come on, let's go get you some baby formula and then wait for mommy to come back"

*One Month Later*

"Where's the baby?"

Sonic asked to Shade who didn't bother to answer as she was reading her book causing Sonic to slightly frown but his attention was soon drawn to the top of the water fall to see something moving. He quickly stood up with a gasp.

"Oh no!"

He yelled as he saw his baby boy happily crawling on top of the rock before slipping into the fall.


He yelled as he quickly caught the crying little blue hedgehog. Shade peek over her book and saw what happen before scoffing and going back to reading her book.

"That was a close one"

He said to his baby boy who was crying his heart out.

"It's okay you're safe. Daddy's here"

Sonic then looked to see Shade thinking she would be concern about her son but was surprise to see her still reading her book as if nothing happen.

"Hey Shade, I'm going to take Chase down to the beach. You wanna come?"

He asked as he walked up to her. Shade simply waved her hand.


She said simply causing Sonic to slightly frown but soon smiled as he put his son on top of his head being careful he doesn't fall before running off. As soon as they left, Shadow came up to his daughter.

"How's the child?"

He asked. Shade looked up to her father and closed the book.

"Still alive, so I guess that's something"

Shadow nodded as he looked out to the water. Shade thought for a moment before speaking.

"How was it, when you found out about me?"

She asked causing Shadow to smirk.

"Curious our we"

"I figured why not story time since now there's peace and quiet"

Shadow sat down beside his daughter.

"I didn't know about you until the day you were born. It was behind the glass when I saw you, you were in the operation room. I saw you crying out for me but I couldn't reach you because that's when the experiment and test came in. I never got to see you and even if I did, they always had you in a cage. My friend would visit and update me on how you were"

"So no emotional connection?"


Shade let out a deep sigh.

"Why can't I feel anything for the child?"

"I don't know, maybe it's just a phase. It will pass"

"I don't want the kid"

She said quietly.

"It's too late to take it back now, he's here so you will have to deal with it"

"It's a nuisance"

She said causing Shadow to chuckle as he stood up.

"Anymore books you want me to get you?"

He asked.

"Yeah might as well read some parenting books since you're not that helpful"

Shadow rolled his eyes.

"I'm offering to get you some books that's considered helpful"

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