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Sonic let out a yawn as he open the front door as the knock woke him up.

'Man this is like deja vu all over again'

He thought as he open the door and gasp in surprise to see Shade standing in front of the door.


Sonic said happily causing Shade to frown at him.

"I wasn't planning on coming here but father said I should come see the child"

She said in a bored tone. At the cue, the sound of babbling noise came behind Sonic as Chase came crawling on all fours and smiled happily at his mother before making his way to her shoe and hugging her. Shade made a face of disgust before looking back to Sonic.

"It's grown"

She commented. Sonic rolled his eyes.

"Shade, don't be like that. It's a boy and his name is Chase"

"Right. I forgot. Well I came, I saw him and now I'm gone. Bye bye"

She said as she slightly nudge the baby away from her feet as she walked away.

"Shade wait"

He said causing Shade to stop but she didn't bother to look back.

"Can we talk?"

"I don't really want to"

"Please, for the sake of our son..."

"You mean your son. I left him with you because I want nothing to do with him"

She said cutting him off.

"That's not true and you know it"

He said silencing Shade.

"You kept tabs on him because you know deep down you still care about our son"

He said knowing he got her. Shade let out a growl before taking a deep breath.


"Let's talk"

She said angrily.


Shade was leaning against a tree while Sonic was standing a few feet away from her to give her some space and Chase was happily with Shadow somewhere else to give Sonic and Shade some privacy. Unfortunately, Sonic and Shade's conversation got heated.

"I don't want to destroy what we created"

"You're killing him without being there"

"What do you want me to do?!"

"Be a mother"

Sonic said sternly as he got closer to her. Shade looked away from him.

"That's just something I can't do. I can't love him, I can't take care of him. What part of that don't you understand"

"Yes you can"

"No I can't, why can't you see that I'm not capable..."

Sonic angrily cut Shade off.

"I wasn't capable to be a Dad but I step up but you left!"

He yelled.

"I'm not like you!"

She yelled back. Sonic and Shade panted, waiting for a moment for the anger to pass.

"What about us?"

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