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The next morning, Shade let out a slight moan as she began to stir awake. She looked down to see her head laying down on Sonic's chest and slightly frown to see Sonic back to normal smiling in his sleep. Shade scoffs and push Sonic awake from her causing him to awake.

"Huh? What?"

He asked sleepily as he sat up to see Shade already sitting up. He smiled at her before embracing her in a hug.

"Hey, good morning"

He said gently but Shade brushed him off.

"Hey come on"

Sonic said in disappointment.

"Where's the darker you at?"

She asked looking back at him slightly. Sonic scratch the back of his head.

"I'm not sure. He only reveals himself when I get angry"

He explained. Shade looked to the ground angrily. A brief moment of silence between them as Sonic speaker up.

"Hey, Shade why don't you, Shadow, Chase and I go to the park"

He suggested. Shade raised an eyebrow at him.


"Why not? Come on, it will be fun"

He said with a smile.

*At The Park*

"I can't believe you dragged me into this"

Shadow said to his daughter as she was standing by his side. Arms were crossed over their chest as they watched Sonic kick the ball lightly to Chase who happily crawled to it.

"Get it Chase, get it"

Sonic happily encourage. Chase  happily squeal but immediately stop as he felt the ground underneath shook. Sonic frown as he felt the ground shake..

"Wow is that an earthquake?"

He asked looking around but everything seems to be ordinary. Chase pat the ground before quickly being raised up by something underneath was rising.


Sonic yelled as his son was soon in the hands of a giant machine that was underground. Shade and Shadow looked in surprise as they heard Sonic yelled. They quickly ran to Sonic's side. The sound of laughter emerge from behind the robot.

"I know that laugh anywhere"

Sonic said sternly as looked up to see Eggman on his floating machine.

"Well it's about time, I stir up some trouble, wouldn't you agree?"

He asked with a laugh.

"Let him go!"

Sonic yelled.

"Oh sure that's gonna help"

Shade said as she rolled her eyes before making a turbo spin up to the giant robot but was quickly knocked down against the tree.

"Shade! Are you hurt?"

Sonic yelled as he looked back to see Shade holding her arm.

"Leave this to me"

Shadow said as he looked to his grandson crying. Unfortunately more robots appeared as they began throwing blast towards Shadow.

"I got a plan, Shade are you with me?"

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