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"Come on out Chase!"

Sonic yelled through his home. It's been 3 months since Shade left leaving Sonic to take care of their little miracle. Shadow would drop by once in a while to spend an hour with his grandson before leaving. Sonic was currently looking for his son since it was bath time.

"Where are you?!"

He yelled in frustration as he looked everywhere.

'Note to self, ask Tails to build a tracking on Chase'

He thought as he looked under the table, then behind the TV, in the closet, bathroom.

"Are you looking for someone?"

Said a voice startling Sonic as he jump and immediately stood up from looking under the couch. Sonic was surprise to see Shadow.

"Um no....yeah"

Sonic said sheepishly scratching the back of his head.

"Alright, Chase got away from me. It's his bath time and he has a habit of playing hide n seek"

He explained. Shadow moved his hands from his back to reveal Chase happily curled up in a ball hugging Shadow's hand.

"Follow me"

Shadow said causing Sonic to frown as he simply followed him. As they were walking, Chase happily jump from Shadow to Sonic. Sonic immediately caught him as he laughs.

"You're a troublemaker"

He said happily. As they continue the walk, Sonic raised an eyebrow as they headed to where Shade's turf. They soon stop as they reached the sparkling crystal water. Shadow looked to Sonic and stretched a hand to him.

"Give him to me"

"Sure. Are you going to give him a bath?"

He asked. Shadow looked to Chase with a smirk before looking to Sonic.


Shadow said as he simply threw Chase into the water. Sonic's eyes flew open wide in shock.

"Shadow are you crazy?!"

Sonic yelled as he was about to jump in but Shadow stopped him.

"Just watch"

In less than a second Chase was happily floating in the water.

"H-how did you know? Usually I always have trouble giving him a bath"

Sonic asked impress.

"I didn't"

He said crossing his arms over his chest.


"You can't baby him"

"That's because he is a baby. I'm sorry I can't raise him like how you raised Shade"

"I never raised her"

He said harshly causing Sonic to freeze in shock.

"What do you mean?"

Shadow explained to Sonic about what happen the days that Shade was a baby.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. Maybe this would explain why she left because she doesn't know how to raise a child"

Shadow didn't say anything as he watched Sonic give Chase a bath.

"There now you're clean"

He said putting on Chase's baby shoes.

"Shadow, I hate to bring this up but has Shade said anything?"

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