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Said a quiet voice as Tails finally stepped into view in front of Shade and Dark Sonic.

"Well well if it isn't double yellow"

"It's Tails"

Tails said to Shade as she walked up in front of Sonic.

"It's nice for you to drop by for a quick visit unannounced"

She said with a grin but soon turn to a glare.

"Now leave"

"Not without Sonic"

"He doesn't want to go back"

"And just how would you know?"

"Because Sonic wants this relationship to work and the only for it to work is that he stays the way he is"

"Well tuff because I know Sonic doesn't like being this way"

"Tell him yourself"

She said with a grin as she moved away behind Sonic as she wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Sonic please if you can here me just....How could you join them?! You were my best friend but look at yourself! You've become a monster! Best friend or not, I won't allow you to hurt anybody else or even your own self!"

He shouted in sadness. Dark Sonic continued to glare at Tails but remained silent. Shade began to giggle.

"Nice speech and all, it almost made me want to puke"

She said nonchalantly as she released him.

"Sonic be a good boy and throw out the trash"

She said to her mate. Dark Sonic made his way to Tails who slightly shrink down in fear. Once Dark Sonic was close to him, Tails shut his eyes tight in fear.

"Psst hey, Tails"

Said a low whisper. Tails open his eyes in surprise as he looked up to see Dark Sonic as he wink to him.

"It's okay just go home"

He said gently.

"But Sonic..."

Tails said as he was about to object but Sonic hushed him.

"I don't want her to notice. I'm still me. I'll be home soon"

He said with his signature smile causing Tails to tear up in joy.

"Just go along it"

He said as Tails nodded. Dark Sonic grabbed Tails and swung him up in the air as he immediately started flying away. Shade looked up and saw Tails leaving.

"That's the first time I see the trash take itself out"

She said with a smirk as she made her way back to her mate but immediately stopped to look at him in confusion. Dark Sonic frown as he looked to Shade.


He asked. Shade slightly squinted her eyes as she looked into his eyes and gasp.

"'re back"

Sonic immediately frown as he wondered how Shade figured it out.

"What are you talking about?"

He asked trying to sound evil. Shade glared at him as she made her way in front of him.

"Like I told you before, you breathe too loudly in the dark as well as speak too loudly"


He asked in shock.

"I heard the whole conversation"

"No you didn't"

He argued.

"Also that's not how Dark Sonic talk"

"How would you know how Dark Sonic talk?"

He asked in confusion.

"I know Dark Sonic wouldn't talk back"

Shade said heatedly. Sonic bit the inside of his cheek before letting out a defeated sigh.


He said as his fur color went back to normal as he sadly looked down in the ground.

"How could I possibly fool you? I guess its back home I go"

He said as he sadly made his way towards the exit of the forest.

"Now hold on, I didn't say you had to leave"

Shade said as she rolled her eyes. Sonic immediately stopped and looked back to Shade in surprise.


Shade let out a sigh as she made her way to him.

"Maybe I have been a little hard on you, since this whole "relationship" started"

"A little?"

He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well it wasn't all on me, I mean the sacrifices I had to do just to keep you happy were just as hard"

She said crossing her arms over her chest as she made her way to him as she sway her hips slightly.

"Speaking about hard, why don't we go and..."

She said seductively as she uncross her arms as she gently began to stroke his chest.


Sonic said cutting Shade off abruptly. Shade looked to Sonic in surprise as she removed her hand and took a step back.


"I mean no more of this...Shade, I love you and you never loved me back. Now I'm ready to move on and its're gonna build me up all over again. Well I'm done. I'm done"

Sonic said with a sad sigh. Shade remain quiet as she stared at him in surprise.

"I will still be in Chase's life but this between us, it's over"

He said as he swallowed the lump in his throat before running off. Shade remain in place as the words continue to go over her head.

"He can't be serious"

She said quietly to herself.

"Are you seriously just going to be standing there all day?"

Said a voice. Shade sadly looked up to the giant rock and saw her father standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and Chase by his feet mimicking his posture with a smile.

"Go get him"

He ordered as Shade happily smiled as her eyes began to tear up. Shade took off her jacket to the ground as she quickly ran out of the forest leaving dust behind. She ran and ran until she saw Sonic surprisingly enough standing and waiting for her. Shade continue to run as she threw herself into his awaiting arms as she cried.

"I knew you love me, I just needed to give you a push"

Sonic whispered to her ear as she began to cry.

"I love you, I love you. I'm sorry for how stupid I have been towards you when all you did was love me. Please forgive me Sonic"

She cried. Sonic hugged her tightly as he gently stroke her back lovingly.

"I love you unconditionally"

He said quietly with a smile. Shade pulled away slightly just to look at him before pressing her lips to him into a passionate kiss.

*A mile away*

Shadow scoffs as he watched his daughter and rival kiss.


He said with a grunt. Chase was by his feet and nodded his head in agreement with his grandfather.

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