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"Sonic! You idiot!"

Shadow yelled as he kicked open the door to Sonic's home causing everyone to gasp at the intrusion.

"What's going on?"

Sonic asked confused.


He yelled angrily. Sonic frown.

"I haven't seen her since we broke up"

"I don't care! I warned you about her being seen by Eggman! You get off that couch and help me search the damn island! Now!"

He yelled pissed.

"Have you checked at Eggman's base?"

Sticks suggested.

"Yeah maybe Eggman has her"

Amy said in agreement. Shadow gasp as he quickly ran out of the home.

"Come on guys, let's go!"

Sonic said to his friends.

*Eggman's Base*

Shadow and Sonic busted through the double doors and saw Shade shaking hands with Dr. Eggman.

"What's going on?!"

Sonic asked. Shade and Eggman looked to the intruders, Shade said nothing but Eggman was complaining about his door being destroyed....again.

"Shade get away from him"

Shade lift up her hands in surrender as she walked towards her father. Shadow looked to Eggman with fury.

"What were you doing with her?"

He hissed.

"Relax Shadow dear friend, Shade here was actually the one that came to me"

He said truthfully. Shadow raised an eyebrow as he looked slightly back to Shade who was glaring back at him.

"And just so you know, I was already aware of her existence, hence my grandfather's work"

He said causing Shadow to growl.

"Let's go"

Shadow ordered to his daughter as they left. Sonic and his team were left with Eggman as they watched them leave.

"So you knew this whole time she was in the island?"

Sonic asked to Eggman.

"That no, but thanks to my robot Swifty the things it seen and spoke to were recorded"

"Oh right. I forgot. Okay, Shade is safe, I guess you can go back to whatever you were doing"

Sonic said as he and his team were leaving.

"Hey wait a second! What about my door?!"

He yelled but didn't get a response back causing him to sigh in frustration.

*Next Day*

Shadow slammed open the door to Sonic's home.


Sonic shouted but Shadow invited himself in as he looked to Sonic who was sitting on the couch.

"Go talk to Shade"

He ordered.

"What? But she doesn't want to talk to me? We broke up, remember"

Sonic said confused.

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