Chapter R (6)

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Meaghan's POV

I sniffled. I just been kidnapped a couple days ago. I tried leaving but that ended up me getting hurt again.

*FLASHBACK* (Trigger warning, do NOT read if you are sensitive).

"MEAGHAN?!" I flinched when I heard my boyfriend yelling out my name. I was folding his laundry in his room, just the way he wants me too. I don't know what im doing wrong right now. But yet again, I never do. "GET YOUR FAT ASS DOWN HERE!" I whimpered slightly. He is drunk I know he is. But when is he ever sober? I set down his grey shirt on top of the other shirts I folded and left his room going down the stairs and to the livingroom. I got pushed and my back hit the wall. I winced. I looked up and nearly gagged. The strong smell of acohol hit my nose making me want to get sick. You'd think I'd be use to it already, but im not.


I whimpered and he just smirked.

"I- I never made it- it yet." I stuttered.


"I- I was f- folding y- your clothes Riley."  He smacked my face and I know there is going to be a bruise.  


A knock on the door got me out of my flashbacks. I looked at the door as it opened. The blonde came in. I flinched, thinking he is going to hurt me again.

"Princess, Im not going to hurt you again." He said. His Irish accent is thick and smooth. But in a way, calms me down. His voice is so soothing, its like music in my ears. Wait, what the fuck am I thinking?! How can I say that about him? He hurt me! This makes no sense.

"I just wanted to know how you are doing. Is the pain going away?" He asked. I shook my head no. 

"I understand if you dont want to talk. But you do know eventually you are going to have too." I bite my bottom lip and nodded my head. 

"Did you like the soup I made for you?" I nodded my head yes. The soup was actually really good. Well, better than what I've been eating; nothing.

"Thank you." I whispered. 

"No problem Princess!" He said and smiled. "Now how about you get some sleep. Its getting dark outside, and late. I know you need your sleep or you wont be in a good mood tomorrow." I nodded my head and covered myself in the blankets on the bed. He came over to me and I flinched slightly. He kissed my forehead. "Sleep well." And then he left before locking the door. 

This man, I dont know his name yet. He can be nice, and then really mean. I dont know what to do. More importantly, I dont know what to think.

Stockholm Syndrome *DONE*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora