Chapter 16

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Niall's POV

I ran up the stairs, forgetting about the popcorn in the bowl. I opened Meaghan's bedroom door. My heart raced when she wasn't laying in her bed, where I just left her about 3 minutes ago. This makes no bloody sense! I searched around her room, hopping that Meaghan is just playing some game. The fact that she screamed and the window make me realize that she was taken away from me. I growled cussed words in Irish. I ran down the stairs and grabbed my phone. I called Harry.

"Harry, she's not here! She was taken!" I yelled.

"Whoa mate, calm down. Breath." Harry told me.

"What's going on?" I heard Louis say. I'm on speaker phone. Of course I am. 

"Come to my house, NOW!" I hung up. I sat on the couch and let the emotions take over once again. I don't like crying, but sometimes it really helps. Who would take Meaghan from me? The only person who comes to mind are the boys, but they wouldn't do that. The cops, no, they wouldn't do something like that. If anything they'll come here to arrest me. I sighed and rubbed my eyes with my fists. The front door opened and the next thing I knew I'm in a tight ass hug. 

"Can't. Breath." 

"Oh sorry Nialler." I heard Zayn say and let me go. 

"So what's wrong? Oh hey, your watching LILO and Stitch!" Liam exclaimed. I rolled my eyes slightly. 

"No shit Liam!" I hissed.

"Okay, Niall calm down right now or we won't help you. Now what's wrong?" Harry said.

"A couple minutes ago I put Meaghan upstairs to bed and when I came back down here to start the movie again, she screamed. I ran back up the stairs and into her room. She wasn't laying in her bed where I left her. I looked around her room to make sure she wasn't playing some joke, and then I noticed the window was open. She I knew that she was taken." I explained. Everyone seemed to be quiet and in thought. I looked at Taylor. She knows more about Meaghan here than anyone else. Maybe she knows something that she isn't saying something.

"Taylor? Do you know of anything?" I asked. She looked at the wall, in a daze. She shook her head. 

"Can I go to her room for a moment?" Taylor asked me. I nodded my head. 

Taylor's POV

I ran up the stairs and into Meaghan's room. I slowly looked everything over. Yes, Niall was right. Meaghan wasn't in bed and her blankets are all a mess. She must've put up a fight. I remembered Niall saying that the window is open. I looked over at it and sure enough, it was open. I went up to it. I noticed claw like marks on the small window sill. She definitely put up a fight. And then at the corner of my eye, I saw something shiny. It was dangling on a nail. I grabbed it and looked at it. It was a necklace. 


-5 years old-

"Meaghan? What this?" I asked her, picking up the shiny thing. 

"It my Uncle's! No touch!" Meaghan yelled, and grabbed the shiny thing from my hands. 

"MEAGHAN?! WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU PUT IT?!" I looked at Meaghan with scared eyes. She looked like she was about to cry. I hugged her, and she hugged back. The room door slammed open and a creepy scaring looking man came into Meaghan's room. He smell funny. He bend down in front of Meaghan, who jumped. The scary man smiled and took the shiny thing from her. He stood up and left. 

"Let's play Barbies!" I exclaimed.

*Flashback over*

"Shit!" I muttered. I turned around and ran back down the stairs. 

"It's her uncle." I told the boys and held up the necklace.


The picture on the top (or right side) is Meaghan's Uncle's necklace.

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