Chapter 1

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Unknown Person's POV

I keep watching her. She doesn't know that i know her everyday routine. She doesn't know that I follow her everywhere she goes. She wake up in the morning in her differents shades of pink pajamas. She looks at herself in the mirror and nearly gags. The worlds most beautiful girl, doesn't know she is beautiful. I watch her straighten her hair in parts. And then she gets changed. I dont watch that, im no pedophile! When i do know she is done changing, she goes into her kitchen and gets a glass of apple juice. She doesn't like orange juice. One time her best friend Taylor came over and Taylor made her try orange juice. So she did and nearly threw up. Taylor felt so bad but Meaghan said it was fine.

After when she is done drinking the apple juice, she goes into the bathroom again to brush her teeth. She always turns on the water to warm, put the toothbrush under the water and then put the toothpaste on the brissles of the toothbrush. She puts the brush under the water one more time before brushing her teeth. She starts at the bottom left and makes her way over to the bottom right. She spits out the toothpaste in her mouth because it is all filled in her small mouth. Then she starts again at the top left side and works her way to the right. She spits again and turns the water back on. She cleans the toothbrush to get all of the paste off. When she is satisfied she puts it back in a cup. She looks at herself in the mirror and gags again.

She opens her makeup kit purse and adds foundation all over her face. Then she puts massgarra on and then blush. She looks at herself in the mirror and then smiles.

After that, she puts on her NY snapback and black with white laces Chuck Taylor's Converse shoes. She grabs her wallet and phone that are in her room and grabs her keys to the house and leaves, locking the door behind her.

She walks around town looking for jobs. She had a job, until the boss had to fire people from Target to get newer and hotter people hired. She had a job interview for this cafe near her flat. She hasn't heard anything from them yet. Something tells me she wont. 

When it is lunch, she goes into Starbucks and gets coffee. She sits alone, away from people, trying to sit in the closet corner possible. She texts Taylor, while sipping at her coffee. 

When she finishes her coffee it is around 1o'clock. She looks around town again. Even though she's been to all of the places everyday, she still goes to each of the places just to see if someone will give her an interview. 

Eventually it is soon 4o'clock. She goes back home. She finally eats something for the first time. An apple, raspberries, strawberries, or banana. Sometimes she eats a gronola bar. She texts Taylor again around 5o'clock and watches the telly. At 7, she either doodles or writes a journal in a book. At time 9, she turns off the telly, puts the books and pens and pencils and markers away. She goes into her room and gets changed into her pajamas. She brushes her teeth and then goes to bed. 

This girl, she doesn't know anything about me. But i know everything about her. She is my mate. She doesn't know it yet, but she will. We will meet soon someday and all we will feel, is love for each other. 

Stockholm Syndrome *DONE*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora