Chapter 11

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Niall's POV

My grabbed my iPhone from beside me on the couch. I bite my bottm lip as I read the ID. It was Scotty. He is one of the highest head person for Modest! Management. Liam kept texting my phone, telling me to reply to his texts. Then there was banging on my door.

"NIALL JAMES HORAN OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR BEFORE I SMASH IT OPEN!" Louis yelled from the outside. I went to the door and opened it. 

"Shut up! Meaghan has a fever and is sleeping!" I hissed at him. 

"Niall we have to talk.." Louis said coming inside and closing the door. 

"That can be pulled to the side. Let me talk to Scotty first." I said. I finally answered Scotty and held the phone up my ear. I gulped.

"Alright Niall! Who is this Meaghan!"

"She is my girlfriend." I mumbled angerily at him. 

"And you didn't tell us that you and her are dating?! Do you know she is missing Niall!" I winced. Scotty is really mad. 

"Missing? What are you talking about?!" I yelled. 

"It looks like your girlfriend is keeping something from you Niall! You need to take her to the Police Station. You and her can still go out, but its good for the band if you give her in."

"Well maybe its not that Meaghan! Sure they look alike and have the same name! But there are 7 people in the whole fucking world that looks like you! My girlfriend is just a look alike and who happens to share the same name as the missing girl named Meaghan!"

"Niall, you need to know. I want you to talk to her. If she says that she is the missing Meaghan, take her in. Or you are out of the band. It will ruin One Direction-" I then hung up. Yeah yeah whatever! I already messed everything up for me and the band anyways. I feel awful that I put my best friends in the middle of a problem that I caused. 

I texted Liam back.

Niall! Your girlfriend Meaghan is one tv! -Li

Holy shit! She is missing! -Li

Did you know that? -Li

Nialler answer right now! -Li

I- get your ass over here. Tell Haz and Z to come over too. LouLou is already at my flat. I need help, and I need my best friends. -Ni

"Louis?" I asked, looking at him with teary eyes.

"Whoa, Nialler, mate. Whats wrong?" Louis said, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. 

"I did something bad.." And it was then, when I started to cry. 


Just some questions I want you to answer please. 

Do you think Niall is going to tell the boys what he done? Or is he going to keep making up more lies?

Stockholm Syndrome *DONE*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora