Chapter 17

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Meaghan's POV

I opened my eyes. I was definitely not in my bedroom. I was in a cold dark basement. I couldn't see anything. There was a window, but it was high up and covered by a black sheet so very little useless light shone. I squinted my eyes. I can only make out dark shadows. I don't know what the shadows represent. The only thing I could make out was a door. The door must lead to the stairs. Maybe I can go back upstairs with Niall. Maybe Niall is just playing a game and trying to see if how long it will take for me to escape. I tried to get up, but I was zapped. I screamed in pain. What the fuck was that? I tried to get up again, only to be shocked once more. I screamed. And then the door opened and I winced as the bright light brightened the dark basement. I squinted my eyes once again.
"If you stop moving, it will hurt less." Wait, that voice is familiar. "God I thought you'd learn quicker that that!" He laughed. My Uncle Donny.

Niall's POV
"Whatever happens Niall, we are here okay?" Liam told me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we walk to the Police Station. We- I mean I am going to tell the Police everything. I will mention to them that I'm ill. I should get off a bit easier. They can help me get help that I need.
"Please stay with me." I begged Liam, looking at him once we made it inside. Liam nodded his head.
"Course Ni." Liam said. Liam and I walked up to one of the desks.
"May I help you?" The lady behind the desk asked. I lip wobbled.
"Erm, we need to talk to an officer please." Liam said, noticing my state. The lady nodded and went off. "Ni, I promise it's going to be okay. Just tell them the truth okay? Nothing will happen." I bite my bottom lip and finally nodded my head.
"Alright, Officer Reed will talk to you." The lady said, taking a seat in her desk.
"Follow me boys." And Officer said. Must be Officer Reed. Me and Liam followed the long curly haired lad into this little office room. "Take a seat." We listened as he shut the door and took a seat in behind a desk. "Alright, what do you need?"
"Well erm, I- I have information a- about Meaghan." I stuttered. I'm so nervous.
"Hey bud, it's okay. Just say it. We can trust everyone here." Officer Reed said.
"IamillandIkidnappedMeaghanbutItookcareofherandnowshewastakenawayfrommebysomeoneandIdontknowwho." I said fast.
"Alright, first where did you last see Meaghan?" Officer Reed asked me.
"In my house. She is in her room." I said.
"Second, Niall Horan, you are under arrest for kidnapping. Please stand up." My lip quivered as I stood up.
"Wait no, he didn't mean too!" Liam rushed. "He saved her from her family who was hurting her!"
"What do you mean son? Is this true?" Officer Reed asked. I nodded my head. "Sit down." I sighed and sat down. Now more when I think about it, Liam is right.
"Alright, so tell me the full story. Start from the beginning."

Stockholm Syndrome *DONE*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora