Chapter 12

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Niall's POV

Louis held me on his lap while rocking me slightly, trying to calm me down from crying. We were sitting on the couch in the livingroom. The other boys are here too, Liam brought his girlfriend Taylor along. We met her a couple times and she seems really cool. Everyone is trying to calm me down, but that is just making everything worse. They dont know what I did.

"I- I did somethingr- really b- bad!" My voice cracked and I felt so small, so tiny. But I knew i had to fight that feeling. I need the help. I need to tell my friends of what I got them in to.

"Niall you can tell us that later." Liam said. "You need to first calm down and breath." I nodded my head listening. I guess i should give it a try..


After a half an hour i finally calmed down.

"Now whats wrong Nialler?" Harry asked. I sighed and took a deep breath.

"IkidnappedMeaghan." I said fast, hoping they didnt catch on.

"You WHAT?!" Louis yelled, pushing me off his lap standing up. I whimpered. Now I know how Meaghan felt when I hurt her. Man I regret doing that to her so fucking much! I pulled my knees up to my chest and let a few tears fall.

"Okay! Louis sit and calm down!" Liam instructed. "Now Niall. Why would you do that?"

"I- I love her. I love her so much!" I said, putting my face in my knees. I started to cry again. "I- I dont k- know why I- I did that."

"Niall- erg I dont even know. Zayn!" Liam said, clearly needing help.

 "Okay, everyone calm the fuck down!" Zayn yelled making everyone shut up. "There has to be more of a reason! We all know he wouldn't do this on purpose!" Bless you Zayn for not getting angry at me!

"Im ill." I mumbled. "Mentally ill. I know I am." I looked up slightly and saw Zayn crouched down in front of me.

"Its okay. We are here for you." Zayn said smiling. I weakly smiled back.

"Okay, honestly still. He kidnapped her! Thats bad for us!" Louis said.

"Yeah well so was smoking weed! Niall is ill and he needs us! He needs our help! I say we all say sorry, because non of us known!" Taylor yelled.

"Please stop yelling, Meaghan is sleeping." I whispered. Everyone sighed at the same time (wich was very weird).

"We're sorry Niall."

"Yeah sorry."

Everyone kept appoligizing and then i felt myself being squished in a hug.

"We are going to help you Ni. No matter what it takes." Harry said and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. I smiled and nodded my head as a thank you.

Liam's POV

I had no idea one of my best mates was ill. I feel quite bad for not noticing earlyer. Right now id do anything to help him to make him better. It was now in the afternoon. Niall went upstairs to check on Meaghan. I gently tugged on my girlfriends hand, pulling her to the kitchen. She was being more quiet than usual. Something is up and i know she isnt telling me.

"Whats up Tay bear?" I asked her. "Your hardly talking and its only me and the boys. You know them well. So whats wrong?" Taylor bite on her bottom lip.

"I know Meaghan." Taylor said.

Stockholm Syndrome *DONE*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora