Chapter 19

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Taylor's POV

I told the police everything I knew about Meaghan and her uncle Donny. They looked him up in the computers and Donny has been charged with multiple crimes. They even think they know where he is keeping Meaghan! So hopefully, they will bring Meaghan back, safe and sound.


It's in the afternoon now. I wonder if they have found Meaghan already.

"Hey guy's! Good news! We have Meaghan now as well! But she needs to go to the hospital. You guys can go see her. But please know, she is going to be scared and I suggest when she is out of the hospital she will need to go to therapy. She has PTSD, and Stockholm Syndrome. It was her Uncle Donny Richard who held her hostage, besides Niall. Niall speaking of him. He will be going to a Mental Institution for a year. I suggest One Direction go on a break until he is allowed to leave." A police officer told us.

"Is there anyway he can get him out sooner?" Harry asked.

"No there isn't. A year in the ward is like his jail sentence. So he needs to stay there for a year at least. If he gets better after a year, he will be released." We all nodded our heads understanding. "Once he does get out, I suggest him going to therapy as well."

"We will make sure of that." Liam said. Thank you so much for your help." The lady nodded her head and we all left to go to the hospital to see Meaghan. At least she will be okay. That is all we ever wanted, was for her to be safe. And now she is.  


Stockholm Syndrome *DONE*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora