Chapter 15

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Taylor's POV

"Okay, I got Meaghan to take a nap in the guest room." I told Liam. "Now you should call Niall to tell him that Meaghan is at our flat." Liam nodded his head.
"Alright." He said and went into the living room to call. I decided to make some dinner for the 3 of us. I was thinking on making pasta. It's Meaghan's favourite food and I want her to feel comfortable and welcome here.
"Alright Niall and the other boys are coming here. What exactly is the plan?" Liam asked me.
"Well hopefully Niall will realise that he can't leave Meaghan and let her to go back with him."
"What if he doesn't?"
"Then she can stay here. Look Li, Meg can't stay alone for a while. She'll get scared. She's like a 5 year old who's trying to be a big girl and not be afraid of the dark. I'm not trying to call her a baby or anything, what I'm trying to say is that she is fragile. She is innocent and-"
"Taylor it's okay! I like Meaghan, she is nice! I'd love for her to stay here, so no need to worry!" I sighed.
"Okay. I'm sorry Li. I just get over protective and-" He kissed me.
"That's perfectly fine babe. But won't worry. She is fine. She's with us." I smiled.
"Your right. She will be fine. She is safe." I kept repeating those words into my head as I made us dinner.
I woke Meaghan up a while ago so we can have dinner. Niall said he is coming over after. He just need to think of what he was going to say so Meaghan won't be to mad at him. To be honest, I don't think Meaghan is mad. Hurt yes, but she forgives easily. She loves Niall and forgiving people you love is easy. Depending on the situation of course.
"Louis you just can't walk in someone's house!"
"Too bad! I just did!"
I chuckled. Shoulda like the boys are here.
"Hey!" I heard Liam say. I smiled and sat down beside Meaghan. She looked scared.
"Are you okay Meaghan?" I asked her. She nodded her head and watched as the 4 boys came into the livingroom. Niall sat on the other side of Meaghan.
"Hi Meaghan." He said. Meaghan weakly smiled looking at Niall and then looked away.

Meaghan's POV

What is he doing here? Niall hates me! Everyone was talking, even Niall. But not as much as he use to.
"What are you doing here? You hate me." I told Niall. Suddenly, everyone became silent.
"I was invited here, and I just want to say that I'm sorry and that your always allowed to come back to my house whenever you want too." I heard some awes. I hugged him.
"Missed you." I mumbled into his shirt as he hugged back.
"I missed you too."

Niall's POV

What did I just do? Why am I letting Meaghan come back? I'm just going to hurt her! At the same time, I'm glad she forgave me and is coming back because I have missed her. I love her and it's my number 1 regret that I kidnapped her. Now she has Stockholm and it's all my fault. She doesn't actually love me. Why couldn't I just go up to her like a normal person? Oh wait, I'm not a normal person. I'm not like anyone else in this world. I sighed.
"Ni? You okay?" Meaghan asked me. I nodded my head.
"I'm perfectly fine Princess. How about we go home now? We need to talk about some things." Meaghan grew worried. "Don't worry, it's nothing bad okay?" Meaghan nodded her head and got up off my lap.
"We'll see you all later okay?" I told everyone.
"Yup see you later!" Harry said, concentrating on trying to hit Louis with the banana on the Wii. Larry are playing Mario Kart and Louis is winning.
"I'm gonna win Hazza and there's nothing you can do about it!" Louis sasses Harry and crossed the finish line. Louis cheered and did a round of high fives from everyone. Harry grumbled but accepted Louis' high five. Harry already forgave Louis just by him being cute. Ha, I know Harry. That's what he's thinking. I smirked and took Meaghan's hand and we drove back to our flat.
"What did you want to talk about Ni?" Meaghan asked as we cuddles on the couch.
"Well I just need to tell you some things and I want you to listen. After when I'm done talking, you can give me your honest opinion okay?" Meaghan nodded her head. I took a deep breath.
"You know how we first met? I broke into your apartment and kidnapped you?." Meaghan nodded her head slowly. "there's a reason why I did that. I didn't mean for it to go this far. I did that because I had a major crush on you. I don't know why I didn't walk up to you myself. I guess I didn't want the paps to hurt you or the fans to hurt you. You mean a lot to me Meaghan, and that time when you tried to escape, I got so scared that you were going to leave a- and tell the cops a- an I'll never get t- to see you a- again." Meaghan wiped the tears that escaped from my eyes.
"Ni, I'm not going anywhere. Yes I tried to leave but only because I was scared. I never talk to the police because I'm scared of them. So no need to worry." Meaghan explained.
"When I hurt you, I didn't mean to. I just didn't want you to leave." I was full on crying now. Meaghan rubbed my back.
"How about we just watch a movie okay?" Meaghan asked. I nodded my head.
"Sounds good!" I let Meaghan chose the movie as I made popcorn. She chose Lilo And Stitch. She loves this movie as much as Liam loves Toy Story. We cuddles on the couch once again and started to watch the movie.
Half an hour later I heard soft snores leaving Meaghan's lips. I smiled and paused the movie setting down the popcorn. I gently picked up Meaghan bridal style and carried her up the stairs to her room. I covered her with the bed blankets an kisses her head.
"Sleep well my Princess." I whispered and walked out of her room. I went back down the stairs and turned on the movie. I was eating the popcorn and then I heard a loud piercing scream.

Stockholm Syndrome *DONE*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora