epilogue part 2.

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Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Harry Styles

Turns out that I'm actually terrified of women who are pregnant, because the second Harlow went into labour she turned into a whole ass demon.

I felt so bad, there was nothing I could do to stop her from hurting and it was so terrifying. I wanted to stop her pain so badly but I think I was the last person she wanted help from at that moment in time.

I went to stand behind the nurse so I could see Summer as quickly as I could, but Harlow yelled at me and told me I wasn't allowed to look between her legs. So of course I obliged and just stood next to her, holding her hand because in that moment, she was absolutely terrifying and I think she could've told me to pour boiled water over myself and I'd have done it.

She's so strong and I'm so proud of her.

I've always been proud of her for just making it to each new day, but for these past nine months she's had to carry a whole person inside of her and I'm just over the moon that we're actually having a baby together.

She was exhausted, an hour went by and still, our little birdy was yet to enter the world. Harlow had given up by this point, the pain she was feeling was clearly too much and I didn't know how else I could make things better.

"You've got this love, promise." I told her, pushing the hair out of her face and leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"I don't," she sighed out, full of exhaustion, "fucking hell Harry, I can't do this."

I felt so helpless. All I wanted to do was make the pain go away and make Harlow feel okay. It was also 5 AM, we went to hospital at 4 and Harlow didn't sleep once throughout the whole night. We went to bed at around 11 because she was absolutely shattered, but she just couldn't fall asleep.

That definitely doesn't help matters either, because she's almost been awake for a whole day and she definitely needs the sleep.

It seemed to take forever, and the more time that went by only caused Harlow to lose hope. This was taking absolutely everything out of her and it brought me so much pain knowing there was nothing I could do to make this any better for her.

I never realised how much I wanted this until it happened. When Harlow told me she couldn't have kids it never hurt me for that reason, I was just upset for her because it's something she'd dreamt about from a young age. However when we found out she was pregnant and that I hadn't in fact poisoned her, I realised there was nothing I wanted more than to have a real family.

Perhaps it's because I've never had a 'real' family of my own, but I'm gonna do everything I possibly can to make sure our baby has the best life it can.

Eventually, after Harlow's screams almost deafened me and her squeezing my hands almost broke my fingers, little birdy finally entered the world and I don't think I had ever felt more emotional than as I did right there and then.

I could honestly name absolutely everything in the room, the exact second, the exact expression on Harlow's face and the exact minute my heart started beating ten times faster.

It was Wednesday the 18th of October, 6.02 in the morning and to be even more precise, it was 18 seconds into the second minute of the sixth hour.

Harlow's hand was covering her face as the tears splashed down onto her cheeks and her chest. My phone was on the bedside table, as well as three bottles of water and on the floor was the bag Harlow packed to take to the hospital. Inside the bag was all of those baby things such as a small blanket and baby grows.

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