Chapter Six

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Please read the A/N at the end of the chapter.


Since I didn't have much time left, I just picked a few clothes I liked and the essentials and I was good to go with one suitcase.

Adrian helped me place my suitcase inside the trunk of my car and he pulled me to a bone crushing hug. "God I'll miss you."

"Me too," I accepted his hug even though I was feeling squeezed.

"A hug without me, sheesh," Funke joined the hug and we all laughed.

"Take care of yourself okay?" Funke held my face as if she was my mother. "I'll send you a bunch of tips for pregnant women."

I rolled my eyes, "thank you."

"I love you," she pointed and hugged me again.

"I love you too," I could feel the tears pricking at the corners of my eyes.

This wasn't the first time we were parting ways but this time felt different, like we were really parting ways for good.

"Take care of her okay?" I looked at Adrian and he saluted.

"Aye aye captain," he nodded.

James, Maya, Jo, Ayo and the twins had left earlier because it was getting late so we had said our goodbyes then.

Miles was driving me to the airport so we both got into the car and as he drove us out if the compound, I didn't turn to wave at Funke and Adrian again.

I just wish that Andrew was here. I miss him so much and the possibility that I'm never going to see him again, even if I do it'll be when we've both found a way to move on with our lives, is killing me.

I don't want a life without him, I don't even want to imagine how I'd live without him. What is going to kill me more is if the child is for him.

One thing is for sure, if the child is for him, I'd do everything in my power to let him know. Even though he may be tearing a child from the father, let it be that he knows what he's doing.

"Are you okay?" Miles placed a hand on my knee as he drove.

I nodded, "yes."

"You know you can always turn back and make it look like you left," she sighed and I shook my head.

"No, I really need to get out of here. Staying would just be like killing myself. I wouldn't stop thinking about Andrew," I sighed.

He nodded, "I understand."

When we go to the airport, he helped me roll in my suitcase. My flight was already loading so I joined the line.

"Victoria," he called making me look at him. "If you ever need anything, just call me, I'll be on the next flight to Canada."

I nodded and smiled. He cupped my face and slowly planted a kiss on my forehead. He whispered, "I love you." Not loud enough but I heard it and I didn't say anything.

"Take care of yourself okay? And as fast as you can, call me when you get there okay?" He stepped back.

"Definitely," I nodded. "Bye," I waved at him as he began to back away.

"No, see you soon because we're definitely seeing each other soon," he smiled.

"See you soon," I said and he nodded before turning around and walking away.


Going through security and all of that, through the crowd of people I noticed a mop of brown curly hair and a familiar pair of grey eyes. He was dragging his suitcase and he was still wearing his clothes of earlier.

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