Chapter Eleven

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Andrew's POV

Once again I have officially fucked it up. All I needed to do was go to her immediately she landed in Nigeria, she would have taken me back, but no, I let my fear get the best of me.

I didn't know how I was going to meet her after I had left her for the past four months. I had a million plans in my head but none of them seemed fitting for an apology.

And today that I decided to swallow my fear and go to her, her mother called that they hadn't seen her for the past two hours and they needed to know if I had seen her. Of course I hadn't so I decided to check the CCTV cameras in my house to see if she had gone there.

And she was there. Seeing her cry was the hardest thing ever so I got into my car and called her mum to let her know. I literally sparked when she told me that Miles was on his way there and I knew that I needed to get there on time.

Traffic wasn't on my side and just as I got to the last part of traffic before I drove into our area, I checked the live CCTV footage again and I had to park at the side of the road so I wouldn't crash.

I saw him burying himself into her. She didn't stop him, the look on her face telling me everything I needed to know. She had given up on me. I came very late.

I cried, more than I did in the past four months. I made every attempt to go to Canada but somehow they didn't approve my Visa. I didn't want to talk to her over the phone because it wasn't something I could do that with. So I had to stay back and wait for her.

Maybe I should just have spoken to her, maybe all these wouldn't have happened, she'd know that I still wanted her despite what happened.

I know she is scared of going to do a paternity test and I was ready to go with her. And tell her that I love her despite what the results will be.

Now not so much because I've lost her, for good. So it's best I leave her and she thinks I left her because I didn't want her anymore. She's already settled with that so it's best I keep it that way.

I turned around and drove to her mum's house. We went to the hospital where Victoria would be doing the paternity test and I dropped DNA samples. My dad was the option before but since I'm here, why not me?

Everyone knew that I was keeping tabs on her, Miles included. We talked a while back and we made a deal, if she chose me, he'd step back, completely and if she chose him, I'd step back completely. And she had to choose all by herself, no one influencing her decision, it had to be purely her. Miles won fair and square so I am keeping to my words.

Everyone promised to keep my being around a secret and the only time they're allowed to let her know about me being here all along is if she chose me and now that she chose Miles, they have to keep the secret until I tell her myself.

I told her mum that I was leaving, not giving any specific details on where I was going and she didn't argue. She knew that Miles had won. But I wrote a letter to Victoria, explaining everything to her and I kept it at the top drawer of my office at home, hoping she'd see it, at least I still have the chance of explaining everything, even if it's not face to face but it's still me.

I know she'll find it, maybe not now but soon, I hope. The only reason I'll ever come back is if the child is mine and she wants me to be there for the child

I got on the next plane to Chicago.


Victoria's POV

I expected mum to yell at me when we got back home but she didn't. Instead she just sent us a quick welcome and told me to go upstairs to freshen up and come back down to eat.

I noticed that her mood was dampened and I just couldn't pin it on anything.

Before we left Andrew's place, Miles and I fucked again but this time he was gentle just like the first time in his car. I don't know what we are now but we'll find out soon.

The results of the paternity test we're going for tomorrow would determine a lot of things and originally I wished Andrew will be with me when we go but now, not so much. It's too late for him.

After a while I went back downstairs. We had dinner together and Miles drove me to my house. He placed a swift kiss on my lips and told me he'd come to pick me tomorrow before driving off.

The next morning I was ready on time and Miles picked me up as he promised. Andrew's dad agreed to drop DNA samples since Andrew is nowhere to be seen.

The events of the day happened in a flash and soon enough Miles and I were heading back home, my house to be precise.

Since yesterday I noticed that everyone's mood was dampened and no one was answering me like before.

So while Miles and I ate in my kitchen I asked what was going on?

"Nothing, nothing's going on." He said it too quickly.

"Miles," I held his hand. "Tell me what is going on?"

He sighed and pried his hands from mine. "Victoria please."

I felt my heart breaking, for the hundredth time and this time it was worse. Was he having second thoughts about what happened yesterday? Because I don't, I don't regret a single second of what happened yesterday. I knew what I was doing.

"Is this about yesterday, are you regretting it?" I gathered the courage to ask.

His eyes widened, "God Victoria no. I don't regret it."

"Then why the sudden mood change. Since we got back to mum's house yesterday, y'all have been really moody. No one has been talking to me like before. I know the occasional "are you okay?" "Do you need anything?" Is annoying but no one has asked me that since we got back so definitely something is wrong. What is it?"

"Victoria," he looked at me and reached for my hand but I pulled it back.

"No, talk to me first." I folded my arms.

He sighed deeply. "I was just thinking that maybe I should have slowed things down. One minute you're crying over Andrew and the next you're asking me to fuck you. It was just so sudden."

"Are you trying to say that I forced myself on you?" This was worse than I expected.

"No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that maybe we just rushed things. We should slow things down." He stood up so he was now directly in front of me.

"This is a mistake to you isn't it?" I stood up now, wanting much space between us.

He held me by my waist and pulled me to him. "No, it wasn't a mistake." He tucked a lose strand of my hair behind my ears. "I just don't want to rush things, one at a time."

I closed my eyes and breathed in then out. Maybe I'm just overreacting and maybe mum is sad about something else.

He slowly pressed his lips to mine and I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him back.


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