Chapter Thirty Eight

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"I want to take you somewhere." Andrew's hands circled my waist and he pulled me to him.

I continued turning the food I was cooking. "Where?"

"Somewhere," he took the spoon I was holding from my hand and had a taste of the food.

I snatched the spoon from his hand, placing it back into the pot before turning off the gas and closing the pot.

"Where?" I turned around still encircled in his arms. I placed my hands on his broad shoulders.

"It's a surprise." He smirked, running his hands up and down my back.

I shrugged then released myself from his grip. "Okay."

"Just okay?" He was obviously confused.

Normally I would have pushed to get an answer out of him or even a hint but not today. If he wants to surprise me, then I want to be completely surprised.

Though finding out a little information would really help my anxiety towards that day but I'm going to make an exception this time.

"What else do you want me to say?" I quickly washed my hands then wiped them.

I laid the napkin on the kitchen island. "Should I serve you or you'll eat when you're ready?"

"Later." He still had on that confused look. "Who are you and what have you done to Victoria?"

I walked out of the kitchen and he followed me. "I'm right here baby."

I waited for him to lay on the couch before I threw myself on him. A loud grunt left his lips and I laughed.

"Riya do you want to kill me?" He readjusted himself so that I was now lying in between his legs and with my head on his chest.

He began to play with my hair as I surfed through the channels for something to watch.

"Did you talk to your mum ab-" I flinched when he roughly tugged at my hair. "Sorry babe." He released my hair. "About the whole getting a nanny thing?"

"Yeah I spoke to her. She said it was necessary and also unecessary. Since I'd be going back to work soon and of course Brayleigh would be going to day care and all that, a nanny would only be needed on days when we both won't be available. She said we could get a cleaner if we wanted since apparently we both have busy work schedules and with Brayleigh, cleaning the house every day or every other day wouldn't really be on our minds." I explained as best as I could what mum had told me earlier.

I really need a hand around the house especially given the fact that I'd be going back to work soon and we all know how long I work.

Brayleigh would start at the day care so we'd drop her on our way to work around eight or nine and I'd go pick her by three. Meaning I'd be closing work earlier than usual but once I get home who's to say I won't start up on work again after I've done a few essential things in the house.

"Makes sense. Are you sure you want to go back to work? You can always work from home." Andrew was once again trying to convince me to stay home for longer.

"Working from home and working from the office are two different things Drew. I just need to get back out. I've been inside for too long. It's been almost two years since I've really moved." I've really thought about it because it's a topic that has come up a few times.

I need to get back out. Staying indoors most of the times is exhausting. I've been kind of working from home for a while now but it still doesn't compare to going to the office.

"Okay okay," he placed his hands on my shoulders before trailing them back up to my hair.

He reached for my hand and took the band I had around my wrist. He packed my hair up.

"Thanks babe, for once you got it right." The way he packed it was just perfect. It wasn't too tight or too lose. It felt like I was the one who packed it up myself.

Even though my back was to him, I could imagine the proud smile he had on his face. "Practice makes perfect."

"Indeed," I readjusted myself so I was more up against him.

His hold on me tightened, not too tight but in a more comforting manner. I sighed and willed myself to relax, closing my eyes in the process. I handed the TV remote to Andrew as I had gotten tired of surfing and finding nothing that appealed to me.

"Did your mum tell you?" Andrew voice caused me to open my eyes.

"Tell me what?" Mum had told me so many things, he just really had to be more specific.

"About the family trip. They chose Italy this year." He said.

I shrugged, "she didn't tell me. And they?" I used air quotes. "Who are the they?"

Our families have had some traditions that we try our best to stick to. One of those traditions is family trip to any where in the world.

We usually spend about a week or more if our parents aren't rushing back home for work. We only get to go on this trip once a year if our parents aren't too busy for one.

Growing up I used to look forward to these trips but since we both moved to Nigeria we haven't gone on any of these trips and somehow I've forgotten about it.

"Our parents," he answered. "I wish they consulted us first though."

"Drew it's their money, they chose to spend it however and wherever they want." I ran my hand up and down his arm and let out a breath. "When are we leaving?"

"Maybe like next month, depends on how long it takes to process Brayleigh's and Jessica's passport and Visa." He explained.

This whole baby thing is still completely new and foreign to me. Everything I do, I have to consider Brayleigh. It's definitely going to take a while to get used to.

"Can you believe it? We're parents," I chuckled lightly.

"I can't baby, I can't. Sometimes when I look at her and hold her, it's still feels like a dream." I turned my head so I was looking at him and I noticed he had a small smile on his face. "Honestly it scares me. So much responsibilities, everything." He sighed and looked up.

"We're in this together remember? Me and you." I assured him.

He just looked at me and smiled and I smiled back before turning back around and closing my eyes, I needed to sleep.

"Babe?" I heard after a few moments of silence.

"I'm sorry for everything." His voice was lower than usual, meaning he has been thinking about this for so long already.

I opened my eyes. "What are you sorry for?"

"For everything, the pain I've caused you, everything. I don't deserve you." I had heard those words from his lips a hundred times over.

"You never get tired of apologizing do you?" I sat up and completely turned my body to face him. I placed my legs on both sides of his and I sat as close as possible to him. Not completely straddling him but still on top of him.

He shook his head. "No, because I know that I don't deserve you, at all."

"I don't deserve you too," I held his face. "But look at us. We even have a baby together Drew and this means we have to start looking ahead of us, together. Leave the past behind, I know we've hurt each other so much but we move and learn from the past. I want you to do that for me. I want you to only think about the past as an occasion to appreciate how far we've come. Not to regret all the mistakes we made and how much we hurt each other. I want you to do that for me. Can you?"

He looked down and I forced his head back up, making him look me in the eyes.

He nodded and looked down again.

"Say it." I once again forced him to look at me.

"I can." His eyes slowly lit up and he leaned in and planted a lingering kiss on my lips. "New beginnings?"

"New beginnings."

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