Chapter Thirty Seven

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I cleared my throat. "Miles hey." I ran my hands through my hair, fixing it back in place then over my clothes that were beginning to ruffle up from how Andrew was holding me.

"I'll be in the baby's room." Mum excused herself.

"I'll be upstairs." Andrew also excused himself.

Thank God he did that.

I cleared my throat again and licked my lips.

Was it just me or was it was getting hotter in here?

"Sorry you saw that," I apologized with a stiff smile.

I pray I don't make things awkward between us.

He just stood there still with his hands in his pockets and a blank look on his face. At this point I wished he would say something, anything to break the silence.

It was so hard to read his mind unlike how it is with Andrew. With Andrew it's just so easy.

Stop comparing him with Andrew!

I mentally face palmed myself. I shouldn't be comparing two completely different relationships. They are both different in their own ways.

"Miles, we-" I didn't know how to start. I had so much to say but how to convey my words was the problem here. "I-" I breathed in.

Miles please say something, anything.

He was obviously waiting for me to speak, he definitely knew what I was going to say because what he saw moments ago was good enough to convince him but he still wanted to me to say the words to him.

Why Miles? Why are you torturing me like this?

I took in a deep breath and let it all out. "Miles me and you, can't happen. It was all wrong from the start." I started. "I'm sorry I led you on all these while, hoping that just maybe we would work out. I really am sorry."

"Victoria," he spoke for the first time since he stepped into the house. "You don't have to apologize, I completely understand." He was now in front of me, only a few inches between us. "I always knew deep down that we were never meant to work, like you I hoped we could work I guess we were both just fooling ourselves."

I didn't know what else to say, he had said everything so there was really nothing else to say.

He took my hand in his. "I know Andrew brings the best out of you and you guys deserve to be together so be together, be happy."

"I know you'll find someone who'll love you like you should be loved and I hope you find her soon." I told him.

He leaned in a placed a kiss on my cheek before completely stepping away.

"I'll be heading back to New York tomorrow then I have a bunch of business trips to make so for like six months or more, I'll be completely engrossed in work. I'll check up on you as much as I can, I promise." He informed me.

"You go do you," I nodded.

It isn't I'm my place to tell him what and what not to do. He has his own life to live.

I followed him into the baby's room and watched as he picked up Brayleigh, gently so as not to wake her up.

"Hey, I'll be off for some time but I'll soon be back." He whispered to her. "Be a good girl okay?" He placed a kiss on her forehead before setting her back down into the crib.

He greeted my mum goodbye before walking out of the house and to the side of his car.

"I'll miss you though," I admitted.

He unlocked the car and the satisfying sound of the doors unlocking reached our ears. "Me too," he smiled. "But you'll have Andrew to keep you company and I'll call as often as I can."

I nodded. "Goodbye Miles."

"Goodbye." He got into the car and drove off.

I found my mum in the living room so I plopped myself on the couch beside her.

She ran her hand through my hair, ruffling it. "So you and Andrew, back together?"

I nodded, "yeah."

I used to and still love how she plays with my hair. It's soothing and relaxing. I guess even after having a baby I still am her baby.

I hurriedly sat up. "Why are you here anyways?"

She pointed to the bag on the dining table. "Was passing by and I needed to drop that for you." She stood up now. "I have to go now."

"Oh," my mouth dropped. I was kind of disappointed. It'll be nice to have her stay for longer. "Okay then."

I followed her out of the house and held her car door open and she got into it.

I closed the door. "Greet Andrew for me."

"Sure." I took a few steps back.

I watched her drive off and when she was out of the compound I turned around to walk into the house but I stopped and looked at the house.

This was my home, Andrew and I's home, our home.

We've mapped out our lives for a long while and one of those plans involved our lives as a married couple. After he got this house, we both agreed that this house is too small to start a family in and to raise our kids. Well it's more of Andrew's thoughts.

Since we're still going to move to Chicago, we'd definitely get a bigger house there.

With the turn of events now, I don't know if he still has these thoughts.

I don't want to spoil things between Andrew and I now considering we're trying to slow things down so it's for the best I keep these thoughts to myself. I definitely don't want to jinx it.

I walked back into the house and inspected the bag on the dining table. Two coolers that definitely held food.

I opened them and was greeted with rice. One cooler had jollof rice and the other had fried rice. Then a smaller take away pack had meat, both beef and chicken.

Did this woman cook again?

I chuckled to myself and placed them all in the fridge. At least dinner is served. I went upstairs to Andrew's room.

"Hey, they've both gone." I told him.

He turned around with his phone pressed to his right ear. "Okay," he hung up and tossed the phone to the bed.

"What did they want?" He stepped closer to me and rested his hand on my waist.

"Mum dropped food and Miles was just saying goodbye. He's traveling back soon and apparently he's going to be really busy with a lot of work in the months to come." I told him as I too rested my hands on his waist.

"Okay. What did your mum bring?" He began to sway us both from side to side.

"Rice and meat." My head dropped to his chest and I closed my eyes. "It's either she cooked again or someone gave her. She likes stress too much."

"If she cooked it then you know Temi definitely helped her." He tangled his fingers in my hair, gently stroking it.

"I know but still she likes wahala, unnecessary one." I rolled my eyes.

Andrew chuckled. "You worry too much. And you need to rest. You look exhausted."

"I feel exhausted. Right now it feels like my legs are just going to give way." I admitted with a sigh.

"Come on," he pulled away and led me to the bed. "Rest, I'll stay with Brayleigh."

"You sure?" I yawned.

"She's my daughter too." He pulled the blanket over my body then pressed his lips to my forehead for a second.

Immediately he closed the door, I was out like a light bulb.

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