Chapter Eight

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Miles POV

My father was livid. Everyone was confused, well just my family and some guests.

Everything went as planned, just that this time Victoria's parents had to act completely surprised to her disappearance and they were doing a very good job.

Funke, Maya, Ayo, Jo, Ana and I stood at the platform and watched the chaos unfold. None of us said a word as guests started leaving, complaints rolling out of their mouths.

My groomsmen were also confused but because we all stood and watched they didn't say anything, all four of them already realizing that this must have been planned.

Not until it was only my family left did I step down and walk over to my mum.

"Miles are you okay?" She asked with concern.

"Yeah mum, I'm fine. Let's get you home," I took her purse and beckoned for my sisters to come with me. Dorothea understood and she didn't ask any questions.

"Miles please what is going on?" Mum asked, her confusion evident.

"Victoria didn't show up," I shrugged.

"What do you mean she didn't show up? Where is she? Call her!" She refused to get into the car.

I sighed, "the wedding isn't happening mum."


"Mum, just forget it. We all knew that the chances of this wedding happening were slim so why bother?" Dorothea spoke now.

Mum leaned on the car, "do you know where she is?" She looked at me now.

"She's fine mum, trust me." I forced a small smile for her.

She looked at Thea then back at me. "What are you going to tell your father?"

"We'll handle him mum. You just get home and rest, I'll come over when everything is settled." I hugged her and this time she agreed to get into the car.

"Thank you," I said to Thea and she nodded before getting into the car and driving off.

When I walked back to the backyard of the Black's mansion everyone was seated except my dad and Victoria's dad that were no where to be found.

"Where did they go?" I asked Funke as I came to a halt in front of her.

She stood up and adjusted her dress. "Somewhere private to talk. I'm going home," she looked at Adrian then back at me.

"Take care," she patted my arm and began to walk away but I held her back.

"Thank you, for everything." I meant it.

She nodded and smiled before walking away. I said goodbye to all her friends, my siblings and my groomsmen but my dad and Victoria's dad still weren't back from their private talk.

I took a seat and took out my phone. I had a lot of messages from my friends that had already heard the news of what happened. Everyone wanted to know what was really going on but that is something that I'm not going to disclose to anyone.

I should probably go home but if I leave knowing that my father is still around, it's only going to make things worse for me. He'll want to talk to me after now so if I leave It'll only lead to him yelling at me and that is the last thing I want now.

All on my mind is Victoria. She should be landing in about two hours from now. So she should call me or someone three hours from now.

I still can't shake the fact that she maybe pregnant for me from my head. I'm still getting over the fact that we had sex talk less of her getting pregnant.

Her happiness is all that matters to me and that's the only reason I'm praying for Andrew to come back. Even if the child turns out to be mine at least I'll know that she's happy with Andrew in her life.

He's an asshole that's for sure but if he's the only one that truly makes her happy then who am I to deny her of that joy? But if Andrew doesn't come back and she's ready to settle down with me I wouldn't stop her.

The more I keep trying to deny it, the more real it feels to me. I'm in love with her and when I had dropped her in the airport it fully hit me once again and without thinking I whispered those words to her. Admitting it to her and to myself but not loud enough for her to hear. And even if she did hear me, she didn't say anything about it.

After almost ten minutes of sitting I got tired so I decided to go wait by my father's car for him. To my surprise he was by his car already, still talking with Victoria's father.

I stood a few feet apart till they were done before I walked up to my father. I expected him to say something, anything, but all he did was look at me with a flat look ang get into his car.

"Dad?" I asked, still confused.

"I have nothing to say Miles, you got what you wanted, you should be happy." He started the car and closed the door.

I watched him drive away and not until he was out of the compound did I get into my car and drive away too.

He is right, I got what I wanted but am I really happy?


Victoria's POV

After taking a shower which I spent half of the time crying in, I changed into a thick leggings, a shirt and a thick hoodie with socks.

Abiola had gone out already so I was alone. Before she left she ordered food for me so I found the said food sitting on the kitchen counter.

After eating I went back upstairs to my room and took out my laptop, ready to work. Since the nature of my job permits me to work from home, I decided it was best I took my laptop with me.

Dad was down to let me off of work but I insisted, saying that I would have nothing to do here. I don't want to look like the lazy ass while Abiola and her boyfriend go to work everyday.

I called my parents and my friends to tell them that I had landed safely and I was okay. Mum told me all how the wedding went down and how Miles' dad was fuming and I almost felt bad for him.

No one but my family, friends, Miles and Andrew know that I'm pregnant. I was shocked when mum said that she hadn't told Andrew's mother. Those two tell each other everything. I begged her not to tell anyone and she agreed with me.

James and Maya would be going back to Abuja today, apparently James is ready to propose to her, he would have a long time ago but because of everything going on with me and Andrew, he thought it was best to hold on. He's going to surprise her and I made him promise to record when he proposes and to keep me posted.

Jo is in a serious relationship with Michael Greenwood which of course leaves Ayo in a very sour mood. He isn't happy that they aren't together anymore but he's happy for her, that she was able to find the happiness he couldn't give to her. When I asked him if he was ready to move on all he did was shake his head. Jo is heading back to California soon and Ayo is going back to New York with the twins.

Funke and Adrian, no one completely understands their relationship but I can smell a proposal around the corner. They would both be going back to Chicago next week.

Andrew. I tried calling his Nigerian number but it didn't go through. I also tried his American number but I couldn't reach him too. I checked his WhatsApp and I saw him online but I'm afraid of texting him. What if he lashes out at me again? Then he'd block me once and for all.

I'd rather see that he's online everyday than try to talk to him and risk him blocking me completely. All of me prays that he reaches out to me.

Miles is planning on going back to Chicago soon, together with his family. He didn't sound too good when we talked and when I asked him if he was fine all he said was I'm perfect.

I know it will take a long time for all of this to sink in and I hope that while it's sinking in, he doesn't change his mind about me.

I'm scared about this next chapter of my life and what it might hold but what fears me most is the fact that my forever just might be without Andrew.


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