Chapter Fifteen

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I was all dressed up for Grace Eastwood's wedding, Miles was also ready and fully dressed already waiting for me in the car and I changed my mind.

I realized there was no need to expose myself so much. It's bad enough that Grace had found out I'm pregnant and she had every possibility of telling people so me going to her wedding would just be a greater exposure for me. I'd be risking exposing myself with my own hands if Grace hadn't done that already.

So I stripped and got into my comfy clothes and walked downstairs to meet Miles. He got down from the car as I walked out of the house.

"You changed your mind didn't you?" He locked the car and walked up to me, halting inches away from me.

I nodded.

"It's fine. Come on," he placed an arm over my shoulder as we walked into the house.

"Now you can go hang out with your friends." I told him as he closed the front door.

"You sure? I can stay here with you."

I smiled. "it's fine babe. Go have fun." I got on my tip toes and pressed my lips to his.

"Love you." He hugged me and walked out of the house.

I threw myself on the couch and unconsciously placed my palm on the bump on my stomach. I felt the baby kick and that brought a smile to my face.

I wasn't interested in knowing the sex of the baby because I want it to be a surprise. Miles is okay with it too.

I decided to watch a movie but my face dropped when I realized there wasn't any popcorn left or any snacks I was interested in eating so I slipped on my slippers, got into my car and drove to the store.

As I rolled the cart around the store, throwing one item after the other in, I said a silent prayer to God, thanking him for the family I have and the provisions He's made for us.

I came to the store to get just a few things but I hadn't gotten one item yet and the cart was almost halfway filled. This pregnancy cravings are insane.

I remember one night when I couldn't sleep because I was hungry. Miles offered to cook anything I wanted but somehow I didn't want anything that was in the house. I wanted pasta. The supermarkets nearby were already closed by that time so Miles had to drive out in search of pasta and by the time he got back, I was fast asleep.

He really couldn't do anything so he just laid beside me and went back to sleep.

There are so many other things that I had made Miles do all because of this pregnancy. The memories alone made a small chuckle to escape my lips.

I finished my shopping and went back home. I had six bags and I couldn't carry them all in at once so I had to go twice. The second time as I opened the door, I froze short in my tracks.

He was right in front of me. His hand suspended in the air, obviously ready to knock.

At that moment I couldn't speak or move even all I could do was stare. Stare at the man I'm irrevocably in love with, the man who I carry his child and the man who has broken my heart over and over again.

His eyes scanned me from head to toe and mine did the same. He had definitely been working out more since the last time I saw him because the fitted white turtle neck shirt he wore hugged his skin so perfectly well that his taut body was in full display.

His dreads were in a man bun and his face neatly shaved. He smelt, good, so damn good that I just wanted to smell him for the rest of my life.

He held flowers in one hand. His eyes met mine and I was paralyzed. One push and I would go toppling on the floor. My legs turned to jelly as I watched him watch me.

My heart rate skyrocketed and suddenly the air in my lungs disappeared and I couldn't get any in, at all.

I had so many things to say to him, so many things but I didn't know how to start.

How do I tell him that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop loving him?

That out of my need to not be alone and my belief that we are no good for each other, I moved on, trying so much to push him to the darkest parts of my mind, ready to let him go completely?

That no matter how hard Miles tries to be there, no matter how caring and loving he is, no matter how good he is in bed and no matter how much he tries to rock my world he just doesn't get it like he does?

That my whole life and world revolves around him and it is utmost shit without him. That I can't go a single day without thinking about him.

How do I tell him all these and so much more?

"Victoria." He spoke.

His voice, so deep, and smooth like velvet. His voice that could make me go weak, that could make me orgasm with just a command.

Fuck I missed him. So damn much that it's killing me and the sad part is, there's nothing I can do about it.

"Andrew." I gulped. "You're here." My voice shook.

He nodded. "I'm here."

I sucked in a breath and close my eyes. I wanted to send him away, not needing drama in my life but I realised that the child I carry is for him and I sent a mail to him a while back so he has every right to come in.

"Come in," I stepped to the side and allowed him access into the house. "How did you find me?" I led him to the living room.

"Here, these are for you." He stretched the bouquet forward and I slowly reached out and took it from him.

Our fingers touched in the process and I sucked in a breath. "Thanks. I'll go put these in water." I said then walked to the kitchen.

I slowly found a vase and filled it with water before putting the flowers in it. I rested my palm on the kitchen counter and bent my head, trying to breathe.

What do I do now?

I've been waiting for him to come and now he's here, I don't know what to do.

Victoria get a grip of yourself!

I gathered the courage and went back to the living room. I forced a smile. "Tea, wine or beer?"

"Neither, thanks." He was still standing.

"Please sit," I motioned to the couch but he shook his head and moved closer to me.

"What is going on?" My eyes widened

He slowly lowered himself and got on his knees and I took a step back. "What are you doing Drew?"

"What I should have done six months ago." He looked at the floor and back at me before speaking.


Hey guys! How's it going?

Sorry for the short chapter and no updates all week. It's a mixture of writers block and a busy schedule. My exams start next week so I'm not sure there'll be an update, but we can never know.

So Andrew is back now, let's hope he doesn't fuck things up more than this.

Do you think Victoria is going to take him back? Or he'll just remain as the baby daddy?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please don't forget to vote, comment and share! Lots of love ❤️

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