Chapter Thirteen

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Andrew's POV

I couldn't eat, sleep or work. All that was on my mind was Victoria and how I royally screwed up.

It's been two weeks since I left and I knew that Victoria had gotten the DNA test done and no matter how much I tried to get the results out of our parents or friends, no one responded. They all told me the same thing. 'Its her decision to make.'


It's been tough ever since and I've officially been doing the craziest shits ever. Last night I went to a club and I brought a girl home under the influence.

Nothing happened because I couldn't even get hard and she was frustrated so she left. When I woke up this morning and remembered, I promised myself to never let that happen again.

Though Victoria has given me every reason to give up on her, I won't. Not now and not ever.

I stood under the shower for thirty minutes and when I was done I ordered food and sat in front of the TV. I spent all day doing nothing until after I had dinner, I took out my laptop and decided to go through my mails. It's something I do every morning but I haven't in almost a week now.

I wiped my eyes furiously when I saw the one name that has been on my mind ever since.

Victoria Black | Black Publications

It was sent four days ago.

Four fucking days ago and all I was doing was getting drunk and throwing up allover my couch.

I opened the mail and I literally read the message imagining she was there with me and talking to me.

Dear Andrew,

I know you probably don't want to see or hear from me again but this is a matter of necessity. The DNA test I had done about a week ago tells me that the baby is yours.

My heart literally stopped beating. This means I might still have a chance with her.

I have no intentions of keeping this baby from you as it's our baby and a product of both of us and you deserve a part in the child's life so I'm not going to make that decision for you or the child.

My delivery should be in the next four months so you have this time to show up, if you don't show up between now and the day of my delivery then I'd have no other choice than to cut you off from me and from the baby.

I'd send this message every week to make sure you get it so it won't be unfair to you.

Yours Sincerely,
Victoria Black.

I still have the chance to get her back and I'm going to take it. Now all I need to do is plan.

I'm sorry Miles but this deal has to be broken. I can't lose her again.


"Hey mum," I said into the phone immediately she picked the call.

"Andrew, how are you?" She sounded worried. Everyone was worried for me, especially after I left Nigeria abruptly.

"I'm fine mum, how are you?" I stepped down from the cab and went straight into the airport, dragging my suitcase with me.

"I'm worried about you Andrew, and Victoria. She left with Miles to New York. I know it's not my place to talk to her but someone has to. Apparently she's moved on with Miles and somehow it doesn't sit with me. Forget the fact that I'm you guys' biggest shipper but does she know what she's doing? You guys have come a long way and she just throws everything away like that?" Mum was almost shouting and I could hear dad telling her to calm down in the background.

I know she's in New York with Miles and that's where I'm going to.

"Mum you can't blame her. I caused all this when I left her and didn't show up on time. She's just trying to move on," I explained.

She sighed. "And you're just going to sit back and watch her move on? I didn't raise you to give up like that, especially not on the people you love, especially not on Victoria."

"I'm not giving up mum," my flight was just boarding so I joined the queue. "I know I fucked up big time but I'm not going to sit back and watch her slip from my fingers again, not on my watch."

I could imagine the bright smile on her face. "Go get your girl Andrew. I love you."

"Love you too mum," I hung up.

"Andrew!" I knew who it was but I didn't turn around because I didn't have the time and strength for her, the only person on my mind was Victoria. I sighted her when I stepped into the airport earlier.

"Andrew!" She called again, closer now.

"Andrew!" People around me began to look at me and with a frustrated huff I turned around.

"What the fuck Thelma?" I didn't hide my anger.

"I've been calling you," she swept her hair, or rather her bone straight wig to the back.

"I know." I deadpanned.

"And you didn't respond," she pouted and my face scrunched up in disgust.

"What do you want Thelma?" I moved forward as the line was now moving.

"To talk. You should call me." She batted her fake eye lashes at me.

What exactly is she trying to achieve?

"I'm not calling you Thelma. If you're not blind, you'll see that I'm about to get on a plane and I'm very busy so, just rest."

"I'll call you then. Bye honey." She blew a kiss at me before walking away.

I moved forward again and the guy behind me tapped me.

I nearly snapped at him but I sucked in a deep breath and turned to him.

"Can I get her number?" He pointed at the direction Thelma disappeared to.

"Go ask her yourself man." This time I didn't hide my anger and I looked ahead once again.

Since I left home, everything and everyone has been annoying me. I would have probably taken it as a sign to just sit back but I'm not one to give up, I'm taking it as a challenge and I don't back down from challenges.

I don't know what took over me, agreeing to that deal with Miles because the truth is Victoria is mine, my world and my everything and I can't lose her, I just can't.

This isn't my ego talking now, it's the simple truth. She's mine and I'm hers, all of me and all of her. I'm not giving up on her and I'm not giving her a chance to give up on me.

I just hope I'm not too late.

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