Chapter Nine

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A/N: please read the A/N at the end of the chapter.


Four months later

It's been so hard without Andrew. Miles has offered to come stay with me a million times but every single time, I turn him down.

It's been four months without a word from Andrew, four months since I heard his voice, four months since I ran my hand through his hair, four months since he told me he loved me and my cheeks burned as I said I loved him too. Four months since my world literally turned upside down.

My baby bump still hasn't been so evident so far. If I wear the right clothes, you'll never know that I'm pregnant.

I've been postponing my heading back to Nigeria all this while because I'm scared of what the result of the paternity test I'm going to conduct would turn out to be. Since my Canadian Visa is for six months, I've not had the reason to run back to Nigeria already.

When I ask everyone about Andrew, they keep saying that they've heard nothing from him. Even Funke and Adrian who have been in Carlifornia all along haven't heard from him. We do know he's fine and safe because he calls his mum once a week to let her know that he's fine.

At first we were all worried that something bad had happened to him and we were ready to file a missing persons report until he called. Aunt Kate convinced him to call every week so we'll know he's fine and he has kept his own end if the deal ever since.

Aunt Kate said he never asks about me all the times he calls. He only asks about his family and that's all. At a point I stopped asking if he had called and how he was doing because I didn't want to be reminded that he didn't want me again.

Rejection sucks.

My flight is scheduled for next week and I'm starting to mentally prepare myself.

Abiola and Damon, her boyfriend or rather fiance have been so nice to me. A few weeks after I arrived, Damon proposed to Abiola and it was magical.

They've been preparing to visit Nigeria ever since so we're all going together in two days. I've never seen a couple so beautiful before, the way they complement each other so well.

Everytime I see them go all lovey-dovey, it hurts me that I once had that and I ruined it with my own hands. I hate myself for it but I have to move past that. Not just for myself but also for the baby I'm carrying.

"Victoria." I snapped out of my thoughts and returned my attention to my phone screen where Miles was looking at me with a smile on his face.

"You zoned out again," his voice didn't hold accusation like I thought it would.

"No," I lied and he knew I was lying.

He quirked an amused brow at me and I chuckled.

"Okay yes, I zoned out. Sorry," I smiled apologetically at him.

"It's fine. I asked how is Abiola?" He cleared his throat. "And Damon?"

"They're great. Super pumped for their introduction." I chuckled lightly.

His smile widened and he sighed, "that's great to hear. I have to go okay? I'll talk to you later."

"Alright." He hung up.

I heard the front door opening and I shut my laptop and headed downstairs. Abiola was holding a bunch of shopping bags and I hurried to go help her.

"Thanks," she smiled and shut the door behind her. "Now that's better,” she rubbed her palms together before taking off her coat.

I chuckled, "how was work?" I set the bags on the kitchen counter.

"Exhausting as usual," she sighed tiredly.

"Why so much when we'll be leaving in two days?" The groceries weren't so much but it definitely couldn't be consumed in two days, even by three grown adults.

"A friend of mine is coming over. She needs a place to stay and since I won't be here, it's okay if she stays." She unwrapped her scarf from around her neck. "I'll be right back, I need to take a shower."

I put the groceries away and when I was done I took out the necessary ingredients for dinner. She had told me what we would be cooking for dinner earlier so I knew exactly what I was doing.

Ten minutes after she joined me downstairs and we cooked together. She told me how her day went and how a coworker of hers who had an interest in her was unhappy when he found out that she was engaged. He had been away when she got engaed and he just got back so it was a huge shock for her.

She asked about Andrew and I told her the same thing I tell her everytime. "He should be fine."

The rest of the evening went on as usual; dinner and watch a movie before bed and at six am the next morning I had to join a meeting via zoom.


Nigeria felt different though it had only been four months. Canada was cold but at the moment it felt like Nigeria was colder even though I knew it wasn't. The air was crisp and cold and the grounds were wet. It just rained. I took off my coat and gloves and I let the cold air hit me.

One thing was sure, I was in no way ready for this. Everyone was but not me. It took a lot of persuasion from Miles and I before my mum allowed me to go back to my house.

Her motherly instincts for her pregnant daughter was kicking in and all she wanted was to be there to take care of me.

Apart from the fact that I wasn't feeling like myself, I just wanted to be alone. Life without Andrew was really hard, he had been there all my life and at this moment when I'm pregnant and it might be for him, it scares and annoys me that he's not here and I can't find a way to reach him.

He was always my pillar no matter how bad he hurt me, he was and is that person that even if we're in a fight and I needed someone to talk to, I would always go to him. He always made me feel safe and now that he's not here I felt really exposed and completely alone. Exposed to this harsh life all alone.


I need to stop thinking about him.

I shook my thoughts away and focused on getting out of the airport. Miles was waiting for us and he was the first person I sighted.

He looked somewhat... different even though we had been seeing each other for the past four months. But all that was virtually.

Maybe my pregnancy was affecting my eye sight? Probably.

He saw me and wove at us, getting Abiola and Damon's attention. This is it.


Hey guys! How's it going?

Sorry for the short chapter but this is where the real drama begins. *laughs evily*

Shippers of Funke and Adrian please gather here.

Those who have been following this book from day one might probably remember this. Funke and Adrian have a story and their story is one I've written and it was once published on Amazon but early this year I took it down for some reasons. And now I've decided to publish it  here for you guys.

The book is Saving Her and the first chapter is up now! It's completed so updates would be more frequent than for Forever Ours. Do check it out, vote, comment and share!

Story Description:

Fed up with being abused from a young age, Funke finally has it in her to stand up for herself. With her best and only friend Adrian by her side, the both embark on a journey filled with first time emotions, pain and heartbreak to save her from the shadows that haunt her mind.

Will she pull away completely or will she sink deeper?

⚠️ Some scenes contain sexual abuse and mature language so read at you own risk!

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