Chapter Thirty

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Victoria's POV

"Hey calm down," I felt his hands on my shoulders, successfully stopping me from moving further.

"Andrew there's food on the fire that is most likely burning." I pointed to the kitchen that I was a few steps away from.

His soft laugh reached my ears causing my eyebrows to crease in confusion. "What is funny now?"

Two seconds after and his laughter only got louder.

"Shift jhor," I tried, key word, tried to push him aside but of course he's stronger than me so he just held me back.

"Mama calm down. I've turned it off like ten minutes ago." He somehow found my reaction funny because his laughter only got louder.

"I don't know what is funny oh, I don't know what is funny." I pried my hands from his grip and began to walk away.

"I don't know why you don't see it funny," his laugh was still there.

I used to enjoy hearing him laugh, I mean I still do but at this point it was as if I should strangle him.

I scowled and headed back to the baby's room and Andrew was right behind me, still laughing might I add.

I was so happy that the baby's room is downstairs. It makes things a lot easier. I won't have to go upstairs unless it's absolutely necessary. Climbing the stairs is just so much work.

Adjusting to this whole motherhood thing has really taken a toll on me. The first weeks were just so hard. No sleep and definitely no time for myself. Even when I had a little time to sleep I was restless.

I'm sure if I don't have Andrew with me, it would have been a lot more difficult. Makes me wonder how single parents cope.

It's still difficult to wrap my head around the fact that I'm now a parent and I have someone that is my responsibility. That I brought life into this world and I have the responsibility of bringing up and training this human.

"Mama, what are you thinking about?" His voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Wá nó," I moved my hand in the 'come' motion and he leaned in to listen to me. "When did this mama thing start?" (Come first)

No it wasn't mama in a sexy way. It sounded like the way I'd call my grandmother. Though coming from his lips it didn't sound so bad. It was just new and strange.
"Since you became a mother," the corner of his lips tilted and I smacked them.

"I'll start calling you papa then." I pushed his shoulders and he laughed as he stood up straighter.

"I prefer daddy." He added a wink and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

I chose to glare at him instead of using words because if I said something, I trust Andrew, he'll surely turn it to a sexual joke again.

I know I said I wanted to have a break on my love life but Andrew really makes it hard to stand on my words.

The flirty smiles, the sexual innuendos, the slight brushing of our skins and the almost kisses always made me remember that I do have feelings for him.

Even if I can control the physical parts of it, I can't control my heart from skipping a beat everytime he comes back into the house from a morning jog.

I can't control my body to move at the sight of him when he comes back from work with his hair a little ruffled and his tie slightly out of place or even the sight of him just stepping out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist exposing his V-line and his perfect abs.

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