Chapter Nineteen

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"I hate you right now," I told Funke.

She gasped, "why?"

"Because you didn't tell me about Andrew." I pulled my best angry face. I mean I was angry but not that angry.

She pulled her lips to a thin line and sat back in her chair. "So he finally got the courage to apologise." She said more to herself.

"How could you keep such from me? I thought we were friends?" I jutted out my bottom lip.

"He said he didn't want you to know and I respected his decision even though I was really itching to tell you." She leaned in again. "I'm sorry," she smiled apologetically.

"Your know if you had told me, I-" I paused to look around the kitchen even though Miles wasn't home and won't be for at least the next two to three hours. "I wouldn't have moved on with Miles. I can't believe you sat back and watched me make such a decision." I scolded.

"I thought that's what you really wanted. Who an I to stop you?" She shrugged.

I sighed. "I'm all levels confused."

"How does Andrew feel about everything?"

"I don't really know. I mean we've talked and all but he never really showed anything. I think he just wants to be here for the baby." Andrew and I have met up a few times since we talked about two weeks ago and that's honestly the only vibes I'm getting from him. I guess we've both resolved that we can't be anything more than baby mama and baby daddy.

"And you," she quirked a brow as if waiting for me to challenge her words.

"No Funke, I'm not going to argue with you but I know what I see." I shook my head in disagreement.

"What you think you see."


"Do you really think he'll easily give up on you like that? God, Vic you are the air that guy breathes." Her voice went an octave higher.

"Andrew and I-"

She rose a finger. "I'm not done." Her head moved from side to side. "Not to mention that he's the father of your baby and he's well aware of this and you think he's going to give up, just like that? For someone that has known him all her life, I'm really disappointed in you for not figuring this out."

Nope. It's not possible.

"I'll believe it when I see it." I just can't take her words like that, it's not possible that Andrew would still want me, we've closed that chapter of our lives six months ago.

Or could I be wrong?

"Don't tell me I told you so." She rolled her eyes.

The doorbell rang and I looked that way. Andrew is here. "I have to go, we'll talk later."

"Love you," she blew me a kiss.

"Love you too." I hung up. "It's open!" I called and I heard the door open and shut close.

"One sec." I quickly wiped the counter top I just finished eating on, wiped my hands and met him in the living room.

"You ready?" He held my bag for me.

"Yep." I nodded and reached for my bag but he pulled it away from my reach and I just scoffed and followed him out of the house and locked the door.

"Should I unlock my hair," he ran his fingers through his dreadlocks.

I studied him. Till date, I still don't know which I prefer on him, locks or his taper fade cut, honestly he looks unbelievably gorgeous on both.

"If you want, you know I love you with or without it." It took a second for the meaning of my words to click in, or at least what it sounded like.

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