Chapter Twenty One

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Andrew's POV

You've had your fun, now it's my turn to get what I want and on my terms. PS: I love babies.

It took us -the police, uncle Caleb and I- two seconds to understand that message. The only question was who was it from.

We didn't want to make so much noise so we wouldn't get Victoria scared. I couldn't even tell Miles for the fear that he would tell her.

We've been working with the police to find out who this person is but we've come up short so far. The message was sent from an untraceable number so the police has been investigating our lives.

Since the message was sent to uncle Caleb and I, this person must have some sort of connection with us.

Uncle Caleb did get security around her all the time, with her oblivious to them.

When the message first came in, I didn't know what to think of it until uncle Caleb called me. With the way he was speaking, I knew that I wasn't the only one who got the threat.

What made my worry grow was the fact that I couldn't get too close to her unlike before. She had already told me to keep my distance and only be there when necessary and even though that doesn't stop me, the last thing I need is for her to throw a fit and completely push me away.

So I kept my distance, only watching from afar and making sure she's safe.

I couldn't sleep or eat, my eyes always on her.
We didn't know what this person wanted asides from the obvious fact of hurting Victoria. Was it money?

Who had Mr. Black or even me offended to give such a threat?

Was this just someone trying to play a sick game with us?

How much longer before this person strikes?
I was growing sick with all these questions popping in my head. I just wanted both Victoria and the baby to be alright.

My phone beeped of a new message that made my heart skip more than just a beat.

Eyes on the prize pretty boy

Without hesitation I got into my car and on the way to Victoria's house, I called the officer and explained the message I just got.

They were on their way.

I drove as fast as I could, all the while my heart was beating loudly in my chest.

I was petrified.

What if whoever's it was got to her first?

I quickly dialed Miles but he wasn't picking. I decided to call Victoria too but she also wasn't picking.

Where is everyone?

I pounded my fists on the front door, not stopping till the door was open and a wide eyed Miles was staring at me.

“What the hell?” He involuntarily moved out of the way when I stepped in.

“Where is Victoria?” I turned to him.

“Out, what is wrong with you?”

“Out where?” I didn’t have the time for his questions. Victoria’s life is mostly likely hanging on a thread now.

“The store, she should be back soon.” He looked at his wristwatch. “What is going on Andrew?”

“Which store?!” I rose my voice now hoping he would get the memo and just stop asking questions. I was the one to ask questions here.

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