Chapter Fourteen

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Victoria's POV

New York.

Not all that I expected and somehow it still feels like something is missing. That's all I've been feeling since I left Nigeria, incomplete.I thought coming to New York would magically make me feel better and wash all my problems away but it didn't.

After much persuasion from everyone, they convinced me to tell Andrew that he's the father of the child I carry. Honestly I didn't know how to call him so I decided to use his email. I know he'll see it because he reads his mails everyday.

He hasn't called, texted or showed up since then and it's been almost a week. I felt tempted to call him, scared that maybe he was in trouble or something terrible had happened to him but somehow I didn't again.

Miles has been there for me but no matter how hard he tries, it still doesn't fill up the void in my heart.

I've been trying to forget him or at least wipe him away from my memory but no matter how hard I try, it always still feels impossible. He's like that one bug that you just can't get rid of.

So far, Miles has shown me his favorite places since childhood. Places that hold memories, both good and bad. He opened up to me, allowing me to see his deepest thoughts, desires and fears.

I'm grateful for his sincerity but what pains me is that I can't copy his actions, no matter how hard I try. I want to but unlike with Andrew, it feels forced and so I stopped trying. Miles doesn't push for answers so I'm not bothered. I want to give it a little time, time usually fixes things

I felt him squeeze my hand a little tighter and I tilted my head to the side slightly to look at him. His gaze was fixed ahead as we both walked the busy streets of New York.

As if sensing my eyes on him, he turned to face me and his lips widened to a smile at me. I smiled back and kept my gaze ahead.

We were both going out for lunch. I was lazy to cook and according to him, he didn't have the strength to cook so we both decided to eat out. Wanting to feel the sun on our faces, we decide that going out would be better than ordering in.

My gaze shifted downwards to my stomach and the bump that was now evident. It hasn't been easy, handling the hormones especially with everything that has happened. I'm pretty sure if drinking wouldn't affect the baby, I would be hungover every morning.

We finally got to the restaurant and Miles opened the door for me, waiting for me to go in before him. We took our seat at a booth by the French windows overlooking the busy streets.

When the waiter came over and asked for our orders, I didn't bother myself because Miles already knew what I wanted so he spoke for me.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

I looked up at Miles and shook my head. I smiled lightly and began to play with my fingers. I still felt his gaze on me so I looked up again and this time he took my hands in his.

"What's bothering you?" He interlocked our fingers.

"Nothing," I answered and he sighed.

He opened his mouth to speak but his words got carried with the wind when an unfamiliar voice spoke instead.

"Victoria Black, is this really you?"

I turned to the direction the voice came from and if I say I was confused that would be the biggest understatement. I was lost, completely and utterly lost.

I didn't know the woman who was standing in front of me. Her blonde hair was in a tight pony tail atop her head, her face caked with make up, which somehow made her blue eyes sparkle. She wore a black knee length fitted skirt and a hot pink chiffon too with black a stilleto.

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