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"I just don't see how they could mix up my booking so badly? Like how on earth can I get to shop when the cab cant even get my ride sorted." I exclaim into my phone as I drag my luggage behind me, walking down the stone pavement. 

"Well mind you (Y/N), you do tend to mix up times easily. You sure you didn't accidently book the pick up for AM rather than PM?" I scrunch up my nose and scoff at the thought of such a simple, yet a rather stupid scenario.

"Of course not Rae! I'm beginning to think you have no faith in me at all, ouch!" I groan stopping in my tracks. I pull up my luggage and turn to sit on top of my suitcase. I look around at my environment seeing cars travel by and the wind blowing my hair ever so slightly. Rae chuckles on the other side of the phone, her laughs confirming she really does doubt my ability.

"Just check if I'm right! If I am wrong for the first time in all the years of our friendship, drinks are on me for the weekend!" She giggles. I roll my eyes despite knowing she cant see my facial expression what so ever. I retract my phone away from my face and start to scroll through my emails for the booking confirmation. My finger taps on the recently booked transaction, my eyes scanning over all the details carefully. the bold 'AM' letters are there as confirmation that I am indeed one of those people. 

"Welp, Drinks are on me Rae. On of these days I swear I'm going to be right and I am going to love every single second of rubbing it in your face!" I laugh bringing the phone back up to my ear. I hear her celebrate on the other side of the phone, making my head tense at the though of her cleaning out my savings with her bad drinking habit.

"Either way, get your ass to the shop! I wanna see my best friend after all this time away! Ill be sure to see you soon yeah? See you!" Rae exchanges her goodbyes and I am left to wonder. I see a park nearby and decide to have a little rest in a peaceful environment. I stroll over to a seat and allow myself to relax, taking in deep slow breaths, my lungs filling with fresh cold air. I look up into the pale blue sky, no clouds in sight.

"Paris is so calm compared to my home town... Things are so nice and slow..." I exhale a large sigh as I think over my travels to get here. My goal of starting new and fresh, not needing to worry about my past and any worries. Back at home, I felt restrained and suffocated... My family having no interest in my dreams or where I wanted to go in life... It drained me of all my passion, so much that I had to remove myself from that environment. Thankfully, Rae - an old friend of mine suggested studying abroad with her in Paris. At first I wasn't so sure about the idea, worried about supporting myself financially and just going head first into the unknown. I was lucky enough however that Rae, growing up in Paris, had connections. Rae herself had moved back to work within her families business, also allowing me to get a job and place to stay near by. There wasn't really anything in my way at this point to stop me from jumping at the opportunity. So I packed what I could and left without saying anything, not that they would really notice their son is gone. 

"I feel so light..." I mutter under my breath, pushing my (H/C) hair out of my face. I search the shops address and the easiest mode of transport for the little money I have in my pocket. My body feeling heavy and sluggish from the long plane ride. I call up a cab and before I know it I'm outside the shop. My eyes draw upwards to the sign, displaying 'Tailors and Stitching.' I smile slightly, admiring the aesthetic of this small shop. Believe it or not, the line of work ill be doing here is something I'm already interested in! Though its just a side hobby, I'm rather handy with textiles thanks to my late aunty who taught me a good clothing piece can go along way when done right. So here I am walking through the shops doors, greeted by an older woman with golden tan skin and caramel eyes. Her hair strung up in a tight bun and glasses hanging around her neck.

"(Y/N)? Bless my soul is that you?" She stands up and rushes over to me. She embraces me into a tight, loving hug. I squeeze her gently back as I grin from ear to ear. 

"Indeed it is Rose! Wow are you looking as young as ever! I just really want to say how much I apprecia-" She shushes me quickly as she grabs my bags from my grasp.

"Oh stop it, you're always welcome in this household here! You know how much we wanted you to visit! Especially Rae! Once we got confirmation she just wouldn't shut her trap. The mouth on that girl!" She giggles.

"MAMA I SWEAR IF YOURE TALKING SMACK ABOUT YOUR OWN SWEET LOVING DAUGHTER!" Rae exclaims from the stairs, descending down towards us. I see her smile beam and she engulfs me with a tight hug.

"(Y/N)! You made it!" Her voice fills my ears, making me smile even more than I thought was possible. I hold her tightly, not wanting to let go. Its been years since I've seen Rae. This hug was long overdue once she had moved back to Paris. 

"It feels so good to see you all again... really!" We all come in for a tight group hug, feeling each others body warmth.

"My you must be so exhausted from the trip though! Dinner is already prepped and ready to eat! My father couldn't make it since he had to leave for our main house for a conference call. I'm sure he will be wanting to share all his Dad jokes with someone who appreciates the art!" Rae chuckles to herself as she leads me into the kitchen.

"Hold your horses Rae, (Y/N) doesn't even know where his room is. You should give him a quick tour of everything before you go ahead and do anything else. I'll be sure to plate up dinner for the both of you so its ready on the table for when you come back down." Rose says with a warm smile. My chest is filled with warmth, the atmosphere being something I haven't felt in a long time. The overwhelming feeling of a loving home that I have been deprived of. I stroll over to Rose and kiss her on her cheek to show my appreciation.

"Thank you Rose, I'm sure dinner will be amazing just like in the previous years." She nods in agreement, watching as ascend to the stairs. Rae gives me a layout of the place and shows me to my room.

"(Y/N), I really am so happy you're here... I hope this is everything you need in order to grow. In order to reach those dreams of yours." Rae mutters silently as she plops herself onto the bed. 

"Its more than enough Rae, really... Thank you." I sit beside Rae, letting out a deep sigh. My head clears for the first time in a while, feeling the tension fully release from my body.

"I hope so, I wish we could have had you in the main house with us rather than here... Though Mama said it would be easier for you if you stayed her to get to campus and work. I can always ask to stay here with you if you'd like? Keep you company and nag you while you're studying! Haha!" Rae chuckles as she gives me a sly smile. I laugh at her comment and shake my head.

"I don't think I need a nagging Rae while I am studying thanks. Though you are my Best Friend, I'll be seeing you at work majority of the time anyway! Plus, I think this is the best chance for me to really get on my own two feet... Learn to be independent on myself and just grow in to myself you know? But I am thankful that you and your Mama are here to make us dinner for my first night here... That makes things a lot easier!" I smile at Rae as she jumps up onto her feet. She turns on her toes leaning over slightly to meet my gaze.

"Of course, You're basically family (Y/N)! You can rely on us at any point in time. We are here for you and we support you yeah?" Rae's words echo in my ears, my tears wanting to swell up in my eyes. I gulp the pain in my throat away, not wanting to cause a scene on my first night here.

"Thank you... Really." I smile weakly, full well knowing Rae can tell something is going on. She gives me a small hug before wondering over towards the door. Stopping just before, leaning her body on the doorframe.

"Welcome to Paris (Y/N)."

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