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Adriens POV -

"Hey Nino, where do you think he studied previously?" I lean into the palm of my hand as my eyes wander over to the new student. My curiosity raising as I look him over. Nino, leans slightly into me, keeping his voice low so we don't get caught talking in class.

"Hmm, I'm not sure? Though he seems pretty cool and chill. Honestly seems rather normal in my opinion." He shrugs, his eyes darting back up to the slideshow on the board. My eyes never leave sight of the new student, whose name is (Y/N). The name rolling off the tongue smoothly as I mutter his name slightly to myself.

"Nah, there is something about him." I mutter with a small smile. Nino chuckles, nudging his elbow into my side.

"Woah, slow down tiger! You haven't even talked to the guy yet. who knows what he is like just yet, so don't go jumping into anything yet." I roll my eyes, chuckling at Ninos words.

"You know I don't jump into things like that. I'm just intrigued is all." I smile. My eyes stay on (Y/N), trying to figure out what he is like. (Y/N) turns ever so slightly, his (E/C) gaze meeting mine. I give him a small wave a smile, hoping to create a small step into sparking a possible conversation with him later. He returns the gesture with a cute smile before turning back around. I smile at how timid he looks from my seat before turning my focus to taking notes in my book. Looking up every so often to see (Y/N). The bell rings signaling to make way to our next class. I proceed to pack my books, walking towards the exit.

"Hey Nino, go ahead yeah? I just want to quickly say hi to (Y/N), just give him a proper hello and welcome!" Nino smiles and gives me a thumbs up before continuing towards our next class. I wait beside the lectures doors outside for (Y/N) to exit. 

"Trust me, despite Mr Aude's body language, he is a really carefree chill dude! Just so long as he has his daily fix of coffee!" I hear Marinette laugh along with someone else's soft voice laughing with hers. That must be (Y/N) right? I see two figures exit and I quickly stop them.

"Hey Marinette!" I wave as I step in front of the two. I witness Marinette flush red slightly, worried maybe she got scared from my sudden appearance or something. 

"O-Oh! Hey Adrien! W-What brings you here?" She stutters, fidgeting with her clothing. I give her a smile.

"Study as usual, same as everyone else that comes to campus!" I chuckle. My eyes quickly falling on (Y/N). I put my hand out towards him gently.

"I just wanted to say welcome to the campus! Its nice to meet you, my name is Adrien. Hope we can become friends!" I exclaim, reaching to grasp his hand for a handshake. His hand is soft in mind, gently grasping me and giving it a sight shake.

"Nice to meet you too, my name is (Y/N) as you already seem to know heh." (Y/N) rubs the back of his neck, giving me a small smile. His (E/C) eyes never breaking my gaze as I feel myself get lost in them. 

"I don't suppose you're free this weekend at all are you? I know its rather sudden, but we are having a small get together for some drinks. I think it would be a nice way for you to meet the rest of your fellow classmates! Sort of like an ice breaker activity if you will." I explain, handing him a small slip of details.

"Oh that's right! You should totally come (Y/N)! I'm sure Rae will even tag along if you'd like!" Marinette chirps in, smiling as (Y/N) takes a hold of the slip in my hand. He pulls it from my grip gently, reading over the details. 

"I see... Ill think it over yeah? I should be free, but you never know!" (Y/N)'s lips curl upwards, his (E/C) eyes gently looking over me. I feel my heart jump ever so slightly.

"No worries, ill take it! All the details and information are on there. Hopefully Ill see you there, in the mean time - Ill see you in class (Y/N), catch you later" I wave goodbye as I walk away. Though not before catching one last glimpse of the (H/C) haired man. I smile to myself as I make way to my next lecture, knowing my mind will wonder to other things. 

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