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The walk home was rather lonely, the town on the quieter side today as I walk through the streets. My headphones blaring music as I engulf myself into my own thoughts and world. My head sways to the rhythm of the music, my eyes shutting slightly to feel it through out my body. I'm quickly stopped in my tracks however when I feel a tug at my shirt. I remove my headphones and look down at the old man. A smile forming on my (S/T) lips as I turn to face him.

"Young man I don't suppose you could help me could you?" His raspy voice croaks out as his weak hand reaches for my arm. I offer him a hand as I help him up.

"Of course, now what pleasure do I owe you today?" I grin, locking my arm with his as we slowly descend down the street.

"Nothing much, just your company is more than enough. You see, people walk by blindly, not living in the moment and helping those in need. The simple things in life being left unnoticed to the naked eye. Though I'm sure you have an eye for the finer things in life!" He snickers, patting my arm. I show him a weak smile.

"I wouldn't say that at all, I would like to think I have had my dealt with hardships to show me to appreciate those small things in life. To not take things so lightly or for granted." I feel the old man slow down slightly in his pace, me doing the same as not to rush him.

"I see, so you've had your hardships as well? It is true we all grow up with different hands dealt to us from life. Though its the ones that continue to play to create a hand which helps them reach their goal. Do you feel as though your a step closer to the life you want (Y/N)?" I came to an instant halt. My gaze peering into his lidded eyes.

"How did you?-" I begin to question before he lets out a laugh, he reaches into his pocket and hands me a box of fine lining and details. The black velvet soft on my finger tips and gold lining contrasting the pitch black color. 

"Here, something to help that hand of yours. I'm sure in the near future we may meet again. Open this once you're alone somewhere safe. Thank you for your company, it was a time much enjoyed." I look down at the box and before I can protest he is gone once I look back up. What on earth? How did he know my name? Who exactly was he? I study the box closely before placing it inside my bag. 

"Lets just head home. I'm sure we will cross paths again at some point." I shrug my shoulders slightly, turning towards my place. I walk into the shop and I'm quickly greeted with a hello from Rose.

"Afternoon (Y/N), how was school today?" She smiles warmly, embracing me in a tight hug. Her hands clasp my face and she looks at me wanting for my response.

"It was a good first day Rose... I made a few new friends and merged well into my lectures." I reassure her with a smile and she nods, patting my cheek ever so slightly with her fingertips. She turns away to the front counter.

"That's good, I'm glad its all starting off smoothly then! Be sure to work hard and enjoy yourself yeah? These are the years you'll remember forever, so spend your time wisely!" She beams, as though she is reminiscing back to her study days. I chuckle and give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Ill be sure to do that Rose! Ill be heading up to the rooms then, ill be sure to come down before you leave to say goodbye!" She waves as I make my way up to my room, my steps heard from the slight age of the wood. I place my bag on the foot of my bed and plop down, my stomach grumbling as a sign to eat.

"Welp, my stomach demands food!" I sit up but quickly freeze at the sound of rustling. I turn to examine over my bag, waiting for the sound once more. Nothing. I sit up and go to open the window to allow some fresh air into the room. As I take in a deep breath, my eyes catch a glimpse of what looks like to be a purple butterfly. I watch it flutter down to someone sitting on a bench, then suddenly disappearing into nothing once it lands on the man. I raise a brow in confusion at what I just witnessed but not before a loud boom erupts my ears and a figure appears from where that man once sat. The figure dressed in dark attire lets out a manical laugh, quickly causing destruction to the street as he walks away. I quickly run down and tell Rose to close shop.

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