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*WARNING : Consumption of alcohol is present in this chapter. Proceed with caution or skip if you arent comfortable with this. You have been warned.*

- Time Skip a few months -

"I cant wait for today to end!" I groan, my head falling down onto the desk. Adrien and Nino chuckle at my display.

"You're not alone in that statement! School break is just around the corner." Nino chirps, leaning back on his chair without a care in the world. My eyes fall on Adrien who has his face leaning on the palm of his hand. His blonde locks still well kept and green eyes shining. Oh how my chest flutters at the sight of him each day... I'm certain I've caught feelings and yet I still don't have the guts to tell him after all this time we have spent together. Though yet again, I also have that situation with Chat Noir... Trust me when I say training is going well and we have grown as a team, but the flirting? Its only become more frequent and intense. I feel torn between the two blondes when I really think about it, though with all seriousness - One I romanticize and the other I lust. 

"(Y/N)?" Adrien nudges me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I blink my eyes a few times before setting my attention on him. He gives me a warm smile and lean towards me to whisper.

"Still up for the party tonight? It's a great way to start summer break!" He whispers, his eyes never leaving mine as he waits for a response. I smirk with a nod.

"You already know I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it for the world!" I laugh, nudging Adrien away so we can focus on the last few minutes of class. Before we know it the bell rings and school is out for the summer, a rush of students pouring out of the front gates. Nino waves goodbye, yelling that he will see us at Adrien's later on. 

"Well I better get going, I have to help out at the shop before your party tonight, but I'll catch you later yeah?" I smile, looking him over. His lips curl upwards, nodding his head in acknowledgment. 

"Sure thing! I better head home and start prepping then. Until tonight (Y/N)~!" Adrien winks, turning his back to me and walking over to his car. He drives off and I feel a small Kwami poke its head out. 

"(Y/N)! It's time for training! Let's go!" Nyx chirps, giving a childish grin. I chuckle walking over to an quiet area. 

"Nyx, Transform!" I chant, Transforming into my attire and heading towards our training spot. I turn up to see Ladybug already waiting.  She waves me over with a kind smile.

"Hey Ladybug! How is everything?" I ask coming to a slow jog. 

"Hey Acinonyx, it's been pretty hectic so I may have some pent up stress to relieve at training today. So be prepared for full combat training!" Ladybug chuckles as she stretches.

"Oh no need to worry about me! You should worry about Chat, I'm sure he will get his tail in a twist~!" I laugh, sitting down crossed-legged. I look around patiently, my mind wondering where Chat might be. As if on cue, he strides towards us from a far with a cheeky smile. 

"Prince charming has arrived everyone~!" I declare jokingly, leaning back onto my arms as he draws closer to us.

"I guess that means you're under my command then?" He raises a brow as he comes to a stop at in front of me. His green eyes look down toward my (E/C) eyes, causing them to roll slightly at his remark.

"Oh how you wish that was the case Kitty cat~!" I let out a small chuckle, my gaze turning to Ladybug.

"Okay boys, let's get a move on with training." She smiles with one last stretch of her body.

"Lets train well!" I exclaim, jumping to my feet. A few hours pass and before long we are all out of breath, sitting across from each other on the grass. 

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