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School has finished for the day and I find myself walking towards the park to get some fresh air before heading home. I plop myself onto a near by bench and watch birds fly over head. Its a perfect clear day, no wind, no clouds in sight. I take in a deep slow breath, holding it for a few seconds before letting into out ever so slowly. The silence is quickly filled when I feel a shadow loom over me and a voice sounds.

"See you needed a small breather huh?" I jump slightly, seeing Adrien loom over me.

"Gosh you scared me. What the hell!" I throw my head back slightly in attempt to calm down. His chuckle fills my ears, helping me calm down a bit more.

"Sorry! Sorry! Didn't realize I would have given you a fright!" He says taking a seat next to me. I look over at him with a slight glare, but quickly dismiss the conflicting emotions of getting a small scare. 

"So how are you finding campus so far hmm? I know its early days but are you getting on okay?" Adrien asks while looking me over. I stare back up at the sky with a small smile.

"Id like to think I'm doing okay... At least It's a whole lot better than before." My eyes squint slightly as the sun shines a brighter, making me look back to the ground where my feet are.

"Yeah? I take it before may not have been the greatest? Is that why you chose to study abroad?" I notice him grow curious as he adjusts himself on the seat so his torso faces me, giving me all his attention. I give him a slight nod, playing with my thumbs ever so slightly.

"Yeah, It was either this or continue to drown back at home. I had to get out of there..." I notice Adriens brows instantly knit together in concern. His hand landing on my shoulder.

"Hey, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to yeah? You don't have to force yourself..." He reassures me and I give him a weak smile, as best as I can at least. 

"Yeah, maybe next time since it's all still fresh heh... Just getting used to the change of pace and environment." I say looking over at him. His eyes beam open as if he remembered something and quickly moves a bit closer to me.

"Which reminds me! I don't know if it's appropriate to bring this up, but I feel like maybe it will get you feeling a bit more relaxed and loose! Remember how I invited you to that small get together? I don't suppose you have properly though it over have you?" He beams. The longer I look at him, the more he looks like a child with puppy dog eyes trying to get what he wants. I chuckle at the thought and my lips curl in a smile.

"Haha, yes I have. I'll be there yeah?" Adrien quickly does a small celebratory fist bump, pure joy over coming him.

"Great! Can't wait to see you there!" He grins. We sit in a moment of silence before a loud crash from a far is heard in the distance. Adrien and I looking in the general direction of the sound.

"What the hell was that?" I mutter, a look of concern washing over our faces. Adrien quickly jumps up.

"Oh gosh, I think something bad is going on!" Adrien says taking a step forward. A scream erupts in the distance and Adrien begins sprinting towards the voice.

"Where are you going!? Its dangerous!" I yell, causing him to stop in his tracks. He looks over his shoulder at me, his emerald eyes slightly dim.

"Just get to somewhere safe, I just need to make sure its safe." He exclaims. Before I can even respond, Adrian disappears in the distance and I'm left in the park by myself. Another loud boom pierces my ears and Nyx flies out of my bag.

"I think this would be a good time to transform and investigate what the commotion is! Lets go (Y/N)!" Nyx exclaims. I nod in determination.

"Nyx, transform!" I yell, feeling my body grow light like feathers. My attire changes and I find myself already sprinting towards to direction of the noise. My feet barely tap the ground as the same feeling as before over comes me. My adrenaline at an ultimate high as I leap from building to building, sprinting at my fastest speed. I come to a halt on a roof top, over looking to see the akumatized victim that Nyx briefly explained to me. Which reminds me - Me and Nyx need to have a proper talk so I fully understand who or what I am dealing with here. I overlook the current situation and see Chat Noir along with Ladybug fighting the akuma. 

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