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"Lets go Nyx!" I grunt, quickly transforming and sprinting over to where the sound was heard. I come to a sudden halt, my feet sliding ever so slightly in the dirt by the campus grounds. My eyes land on a black figure, cat ears prominent from where I stand. I dart towards the figure and silently stop behind them.

"Hey Kitty cat~" I purr into his ear from behind, his ears becoming a bright red. Chat Noir quickly turns around backing away from me. His shoulders hunched up as he covers his ears. I let out a small chuckle and cross my arms.

"Not the time Acinonyx! As much as I'd love to entertain you right now, we have more pressing matters right now." He quickly gathers his composure and turns to the akumatized student. I walk up beside him and place a hand on my hip.

"Well you're no fun at all today! Though I guess you are right, so lets finish this up quickly." I give a cheeky grin and feel a presence appear next to me.

"I couldn't agree more boys, Let's get this over with!" Ladybug chimes in, determination clear on her face. My eyes scan over the akuma, my eyes go wide noticing its Sabrina from one of my classes. She is known as one of the smartest people on the campus, though I don't understand what would cause her to be akumatised. She struts towards us, a large visible grin across her face. 

"I see you've come to steal my scholarship like the rest of the student board?" She sneers, pushing her glasses up to a better position. 

"Well there is our motive." I mutter, wondering what the item may possibly be. Chat Noir charges in, staff in hand throwing blows. Though each attack misses and is blocked by a blue force.

"You can attack all you want but I can calculate all your moves! You'll never be able to get close to me!" She cackles, gripping a book and pen in hand. I watch as Chat Noir struggles, backing off slightly to catch his breath.

"Well that was a waste Kitty Cat~!" I tease, pushing him aside as I begin to grip my whip in hand. 

"Oh I'd like to see you last longer!" He grunts, waiting for my move. I quickly side step and dart my way into close proximity of the Akuma. My whip not landing a single hit, causing me to grunt in frustration. I send my whip flying to a pole behind her and yank myself forwards in her direction. I feel time slow ever so slightly, my body moving to kick her chest. Her glasses glint blue, appearing like screens. A moment of realization hits me, now knowing she can see our attacks with her glasses. She quickly dodges the attack and smiles at my failed attempt. She gives a confident pose, her eyes glaring me down. In that brief moment of vulnerability, Ladybug swoops in from above and slightly grazes Sabrina's shoulder. A small yelp leaves her lips as she clutches her now bleeding arm. I look towards Ladybug and Chat Noir, grabbing their attention.

"It's her glasses!" I yell, darting forward to take Sabrina down. Chat Noir does the same, though as we both attack the scene turns into a mess. Our failed attempts exhausting us as we continue to try get a hold of her glasses. Ladybug leaps back, breath heavy and exhausted. 

"We need to work together, we wont get anywhere like this!" Ladybug balls her fists, trying to think of a plan. I go to pounce once more, though Sabrina quickly see's through my attack, waiting for me to draw closer before side stepping me. Without realizing me and Chat Noir collide, my fist landing on his chin as we topple over. I fall on top of him, straddling his waist. 

"Ouch, I guess that's one way to get my attention." Chat Noir winces, lip split and bleeding. My brows knit together in worry, but I quickly send him a grin at his remark.

"I suppose~" I grin, placing my thumb on his lip to wipe the blood away. Though before I can wipe away the blood, Chat licks his lip, his tongue slightly grazing my thumb in the process. I retract my hand and jump to my feet stunned. 

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