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Once I arrive home safely, reassuring Rose I'm safe and that she can go home, I lay on my bed once more. The long day getting to me as I feel my body finally relax. I quickly eat dinner and run myself a bath, removing any debris or dirt that I had on my body after todays event. I pull on some pj pants and make my way over to the window, shutting it to keep the outside world out. I proceed to jump into my warm bed, sleep overcoming me as my head hits the pillow. My body truly exhausted and yearning for rest. As I had just shut my eyes, my alarm goes off.

"Oh please turn it off!" I groan, reaching for the clock.

"Surely!" A small voice speaks up, the loud noise from the alarm halting.

"Ah some peace and quiet..." I whisper.




"WAIT" I shot up, eyes darting around the room. I hear chuckling towards my bedside table, my eyes darting down to the source. A small little creature sits on my alarm clock munching away at something.

"AHH!" I scream.

"AHH!" They scream back at me.

"What or WHO are you!? How did you get inside my room?!" All the questions spill out of my lips as I frantically get up and try to gather myself. The little creature giggles and floats upwards so we are face to face.

"Why hello there! My name is Nyx! I am a Kwami! You have been chosen as my new holder!" They chirp with a smile. I looked at them with my brows knitted together,

"Huh? What do you mean?" I ask, my thoughts travelling a hundred miles per hour in my head. The creature named Nyx shakes their head slightly with a giggle.

"Lets just say you're one of the few worthy of wearing a miraculous! I'm your new companion to help you fight bad guys! Well not exactly bad guys but more so, akumatized victims turned into bad guys! All against one major bad guy who turns them all into akumas!" They explain.

"Yeah because that totally makes sense!" I mutter as I try to make sense of any of it.

"Oh it might just be easier to just show you. Say - Nyx, transform!" The little kwami, which upon closer examination resembles a cheetah.

"Uh... Nyx? Transform?" I mutter. A light flashes suddenly, a pendant forming around my neck. I feel my clothes start to change into a more form fitted suit. The suit is covered with neutral tones of gold and browns, a cheetah pattern appearing on my back/ shoulders with a black shadow like hue. A belt forms around my hips, extending out from behind to resemble a tail, along with a whip attached to the belt with a white tip. The fabric across fades into a nice cream color, similar to that of the cheetahs belly. claws at my finger tips and ears upon my head that seamlessly blend into my (H/C) hair. I look myself over, in absolute awe of what I have just witnessed.

"Wait so I'm like?" I try to find the words to best describe what I want to say. Though I'm sure I already understand what is going on based on what just happened. So I'm like Ladybug and Chat Noir now? Is this how they were able to fight that bad guy? I stare at myself in absolute awe. I somehow feel as if my body is lighter, a bit more frail if you will transformed.

"I feel a strong urge to just... run?" I mutter as I stare at my hand, my eyes trailing towards my forearm then upper arm. My mind begins to wonder of all the possible things I can do, especially after witnessing Chat Noir and Ladybug in action. I check the time and smile.

"How about we see how quickly I can get to school from here. Though it's still relatively close, it would be good to just get a feel of what I can do!" I smirk plays on my lips as I grip my bag and chuck it over my shoulders. I walk towards the window, my feet tapping against the wooden floors. I open my window and prop myself up to crouch on the windowsill. I prepare myself to descend, but first grab my phone out to ready a timer.

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