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"Ugh, my head is killing me..." I knead my face with the palm of my hand us I slowly feel my heavy eye lids open. The rays of sunshine peak through my windows causing me to wince slightly at the brightness. A groan falls from between my lips as I pull myself out of bed, dragging my feet behind me while making my way towards the bathroom. 

"Nyx, remind me to never drink again... ever... at least more responsibly." I blink my eyes tightly while leaning on the sink, my gaze landing on my reflection in the mirror. I proceed to do my morning routine in hopes it will wake me up more along the process. Nyx floats in, my eyes following them as they land down on a near by shelf unit holding up a few décor items. 

"Noted, though it was pretty humorous to watch you and that blonde boy wobble in last night~!" They chirped with a cheeky grin. My face flushes a visible tint of red, my body temperature rising ever so slightly.

"Wait what!?" I turn my body to face towards the little Kwami, my body hunched slightly from worry.

"Yeup! It was quite a sight to behold in my opinion! I'm surprised you didn't pounce right onto him (Y/N)~!" Nyx giggles, kicking their little paws while swaying their head side to side playfully. 

"You got to be kidding me..." My body slowly drops to sit down and I let out a frustrated groan. 

"Never again will I consume the devils poison." I pick myself up and proceed to get ready for my day, trying to push away the crowding thoughts of what else I did last night to make myself look stupid in front of Adrien. As I gather my things together, I proceed to make my way out of the building. The sun continues to shine brightly, my head throbbing slightly in pain still trying to recover from last nights events.

"Maybe I should go grab some breakfast somewhere before heading to campus..." My nose picks up a scent as if on cue and my instincts basically take over.  My feet drag along the ground ever so slightly, my pace slow with short strides due to the hang over.  I find a small stall seeing my favorite comfort food, my mouth basically watering in pure happiness. 

"Morning young man! Start your day right with my famous (Favorite/food)!" I look over the sign with all the items on the menu, my stomach growling at me to hurry up and feed it. I order breakfast to go and bid my farewell, happily eating away. I make to the front of the school, already feeling better after having some food in my belly. 

"Hey (Y/N)! Wait up!" I turn to the person calling my name, seeing Adrien exit his car and jog towards me. I give him a warm smile, feeling my cheeks flush ever so slightly from the early sight of him. 

"Morning Adrien, how are you?" I ask once he has made it in front of me. I watch as his lips curl upwards into a grin, His eyes looking into mine with mischief. His arm playful wraps around my shoulders, as he leans on me.

"I feel like I should be asking how you are after last nights events, like woah." Adrien chuckles to himself. My eyes instantly shot open widely, looking at him as I stop dead in my tracks.

"Oh god what did I do last night?" The words frantically leave my mouth as I bite down on my lip waiting for his response. Adrien stops a few steps in front of me and looks over his shoulder. 

"Let's just say you really know how to tease a man~! Come on pretty boy, we have classes to attend!" He proceeds to walk away and I feel my body heat spike and cheeks flare up. 

"BUT WHAT DID I DO LAST NIGHT?!" I yell after him as I run to catch up. Adrien laughs at me, teasing me about not remembering last nights events. The bell rings to signal classes are to begin in 5 minutes, causing everyone to run except me and Adrien as I grab the last of my books. The hallways become empty as me and Adrien look towards our class next to use, still having a few minutes to spare before the final bell. I look at Adrien, his blonde locks looking well kept ad soft. Green eyes shining through mine. 

"Adrien, can you please tell me what I did last night... before I walk into the classroom and potentially feel embarrassed in front of the people I know..." I bite down on my lip in worry, my brain running a hundred thoughts per mile. Adrien steps closer to me, his hand on my shoulder gripping it slightly.

"Well..." His hand glides from my shoulder to the nape of my neck. His finger tips lightly grazing over my skin, weaving its way through my hair and scalp. My cheeks flare up at his actions, feeling him massage my scalp with one hand, pulling me even closer to him.

"You started by doing this... Studying my eyes since you seemed so captivated by them. You brought my face so close-" His lips inch closer to mine as my body backs into a wall, placing his free hand up on the wall. 

"That I could feel the warmth of your breath on my face. The smell of liquor mixed with your fragrance filling my nose." His hand moves from my hair down to my cheek, fingers tracing my lips. 

"You studied just about every aspect of my face..." I feel my body grow weak from the scenario we are in and drop down to my knees.  Adrien looking at me surprised from the sudden action.

"Oh god I'm so embarrassed!" I cover my flushed face, hiding from Adrien. I feel him crouch beside me and chuckle.

"Sorry (Y/N), I probably shouldn't have done that. Don't worry though, nothing much happened afterwards anyway." Adrien reassures me, placing a hand on my shoulder. 

"No, it's okay... Plus it should be me apologizing for last nights events. I'm sorry for my actions and doing that to you last night... I'm not normally like that." I continue to hide my face, not wanting to see the disappointment on Adriens face. 

"Its okay (Y/N), it's happened and you have nothing to worry about. No one saw us anyway if that's one of your main concerns." Adrien mutters, sounding a bit hurt for some reason.  I peak through my hands to look at him, seeing a pained expression on his face ever so slightly.

"Adrien-" A loud crash is heard nearby and the bells instantly get set off. Students pouring out of the classrooms frantically. 

"What's going on?!" Adrien stands, asking Nino who had just ran out.

"Someone is attacking the school! I think it's one of the students!" Nino yells, frantically looking around. Adrien nods and sends him off, kneeling down to me and helping me up to my feet.

"You need to get out of here (Y/N), I'll catch up with you as soon as I can yeah? Just get somewhere safe!" Adrien orders, hands leaving my shoulders as he turns to run off.

"But where are you going!?" I yell after him, making him stop for a moment. He looks over his shoulder and gives me a grin.

"Don't you worry you're pretty little head, just go get to safety!" I watch him run off and feel my heart begin to race from the adrenaline. I quickly run towards an empty corridor in the opposite direction that everyone is running in. I search my bag for a certain Kwami.

"(Y/N)! Time for some fun?" Nyx flies out with a grin. I smile back and nod.

"Time to transform!"


Authors Note

Hey guys! Sorry for not being active. I've actually been recovering from a major surgery recently and couldn't do much at all... Everything is a-okay now and I should be updating a bit more regularly for you guys! :)  I've been looking forward to writing some more chapters and I'm so ready to get back into it! I know this chapter aint much, but  its a start while I get back into the habit of daily life again! 

Glad to be back and happy reading! :)


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