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"Ugh..." I let out a soft groan, turning in the sheets. The bed is soft and warm, my mind feeling at ease. I adjust my position on the bed and roll over, my eyes slowly fluttering open to see the back of a head full of blonde messy locks. I blink a few times before my eyes grow wide, cheeks flushing red. My hand reaches forward, gently touching the soft fibers at my fingertips. I run my fingers through his hair, a small smile playing on my lips. 

"(Y/N)? Are you awake?" His morning voice is deep a raspy, causing my hand to retract back into my chest slightly embarrassed getting caught in the act. He looks back over his shoulder through half-lidded eyes, shifting so he turns to face me. His hand reaches up to my cheek, gently caressing me. I watch his lips curl upwards.

"Morning handsome~" He kisses my forehead, my body temperature rising. I start to stutter on my words, my brain still trying to wake up and turn on. 

"M-Morning?" I stutter, Adrien catching the slight waiver in my voice. He looks at me with one eye open, still visibly sleepy. He furrows his brow gently, looking at me a bit worried.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asks while propping himself up and rubbing his eyes. His mouth opens wide as he lets out a yawn, turning his attention back on me. I frantically try to search for what to say. Questions flying around at high speeds in my head.

"Do you... not remember last night?" Adrien hesitates with his words, fear falling across his face. He waits for my response, as if scared for what follows. I think for a moment, trying to remember last nights events. The scenes play through my head with a bit of ease due to not being completely wasted. 

"Holy shit!" I cover my face in pure embarrassment, turning completely red. I keep my face hidden, not wanting to show my face. I feel Adrien shuffle in the bed, I peer through my fingers to see him sitting up, covers falling from his torso and revealing his chest. 

"I'll take that as you remembering what happened last night then? That saves a lot of weird talks if you didn't." He chuckles, brushing my (H/C) locks away from my face. He reaches over me towards the bedside table and instructs me to sit up, handing me a glass of water and medicine.

"Here, Nathalie prepared this before hand for when you woke up. It will help with the hangover." I place the medicine in my mouth and take a swig of the water. I sip away at the rest to feel more hydrated, handing the empty cup back to Adrien. 

"Feeling okay?" He ask, green eyes shining into mine. I nod my head yes, a small smile appearing on my lips. 

"Yeah, I'm feeling great." I say happily, lips curling into a smile. Adrien caresses my face and pulls me in for a kiss. His lips are soft against mine, the warmth inviting me in. Adrien pulls away smiling, then proceeds to throw his legs over the side of the bed. I lay back down on my stomach, my (E/C) watching him closely as he stands up and stretches. He turns around, eyeing me out in his bed.

"Oh what a sight you are~" He chuckles sending me a playful wink. He crawls onto the bed quickly and places a kiss on the nape of my neck then forehead.

"I'm going to go take a quick shower yeah? When you're ready you can shower after me and we can grab something to eat. Sound good?" Adrien asks walking over towards the bathroom door. 

"Sounds good Kitty cat~!" I laugh, watching him walk away after shooting me a warm smile. I take a moment to myself, smiling at that scenario. I nuzzle my face into the pillow, a strong scent emitting off the sheets. A few minutes pass before I decide to finally get up, gathering my things off the floor and placing them neatly on the end of the bed. I open the curtains to his room, opening a window to let in some fresh air. I look over Paris, seeing the clear sky with minimal clouds to be seen for miles. I take in a deep breath, and let out a sigh. I feel arms snake around my waist, firmly holding me close to a chest. Adrien kisses my neck before I turn to look at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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