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*WARNING : Light / Moderate Smut is present in this chapter. Proceed with caution or skip if you aren't comfortable with this. You have been warned.*


"How do you feel?" I wait patiently for Adrien's answer. My (E/C) orbs look over Adrien's body as he lays under my body. He takes a moment, eyes never leaving mine as he tries to catch his thoughts. He props himself up on his elbows, one of his hands reaching for my face. The softness of his palm warms my cheek and I lean into it, wanting to feel his touch. 

"Well?" I mutter, pushing for his answer. His green eyes shine from the moonlight as he looks at me with wonder. He shoots me and toothy grin and lets out a low chuckle, his fingers caressing the back of my neck as he pulls me down closer to him. My arms fall down to either side of his head, keeping myself stable. 

"That's better~" He mutters looking at my eyes closely. His hand goes back to my cheek as he traces my lip with his thumb. His green orbs moving from my (E/C) eyes to my lips. 

"I think it goes without saying (Y/N), after all this time with you... As Adrien and as Chat Noir... Who wouldn't want you all to themselves. You had me and my persona falling, both of me wanting you at all costs. So when I found out you were Acinonyx? My... the emotions that filled me." He whispers gently. I feel my chest grow warm, my head growing slightly fuzzy from his words. I place on my hands onto his chest, pushing down gently so he lays on his back. His hand leaves my face once he lays down, though his eyes never leave me. My hand slips under his shirt, allowing my fingertips to dance across his skin. 

"I know what you mean... I felt the same when I found out who you were. I felt relief amongst other emotions-" My hand slides further up to his chest, my (E/C) eyes studying him. I feel his hands creep up my legs that are straddling him. His fingers tightly gripping my hips as though to keep me in place.

"I don't feel so conflicted anymore, like I don't have to choose. Though in this moment-" I lean forward, unbuttoning his shirt so its fully opened. My hands slide all the way up his chest, past his pecks and to his shoulders as I lean on him gently. My lips hover over Adrien's as our lips part. 

"I feel like Acinonyx is taking over my desires despite me being in control." I whisper. Adrien gives a devilish grin, gently brushing his nose on mine.

"What might those desires be then pretty boy~?" He chuckles lowly, pulling down my hips more to close the gap between us. My face flushes red at the sudden contact, causing Adrien to laugh some more.

"Come here." He mutters, before placing his lips on mine. His lips are soft and warm, a slight taste of alcohol and something sweet which is probably from his Chapstick. I feel him move his hips slightly under me, his hands grabbing my face to pull me in deeper. His tongue grazes over my lip, asking for permission to come in. My lips curl into the kiss as I part my lips slightly. Adrien wastes no time, pushing his warm tongue in to explore my mouth. The taste of Alcohol becomes more apparent as we continue to kiss, making my head feel more intoxicated than it is. Though at this point I don't know if its from the Alcohol or from Adrien. My head becomes blank and my body fills with warmth. My fingers run up along the side of his neck and to the back of his head, interlocking my fingers in his hair. The blonde locks are shot between my fingers, making me almost jealous of the guy. I gently tighten my grip and pull at his hair, Adrien letting a moan slip from between his lips.

"Hmm~ and what do you think you're doing (Y/N)~?" He goes to kiss my lips again but I quickly tighten my grip once more. Another moan filling my ears. I let out a low chuckle, feeling as though I have gained control over him.

"Oh Kitty Cat, I love to hear you purr~" I mutter kissing the corners of his mouth. He grins at my remark, looking over my body a few times over. 

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