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"Ahh..." A sigh escapes my lips as I stretch my arms up and over my head, letting my body release the built up tension from all the lectures. I find myself walking slightly behind Marinette as my mind slowly wonders of to those emerald crystal like eyes. My (E/C) eyes stare down at my feet as I continue to walk lost in thought. My brain conjuring up all the different scenarios of possibly running into him again. When I could possible see him once more to just appreciate his beauty. My was he a sight for sore eyes, sore eyes which have been starved of sunlight for days- no. Years. I wanted to see him again.

"And here we are!" Marinette chirps stopping outside what I'm assuming is the gymnasium for my next class. I look up, my thoughts quickly fading out and my mind focusing on the present. I turn my gaze to the dark haired girl with a smile plastered on my lips.

"Sorry to have been such a lost duckling today, you for sure saved my ass today from potentially being late to any of my classes!" I say while rubbing the nape of my neck with slight embarrassment. Marinette chuckles while shaking her head at me.

"Oh trust me, I know all to well of the embarrassment of turning up to class late. I'm just happy I could help! I should probably head to my next class now though, Ill catch you later on?" She raises a brow in question. I nod in reply.

"Of course! Catch you later Marinette!" I smile waving my hand goodbye as she runs off. I take a deep breath before sliding open the heavy door and walking into the gymnasium for my sports class. My eyes scan over towards students socializing in their gym gear, none of them really taking notice of my presence. My gaze lays low as I begin to make my way over to the gym locker room to quickly change. As I walk in however, I feel myself bump into a sturdy object. Though upon closer examination - someone.

"Oh! Hey (Y/N)! Didn't know you would be taking this class!" Adrien chuckles as he fixes his shirt slightly. His eyes looking into mine as I take a quick step back. I'm fixated on his gaze as I stutter out a few words rather horribly.

"A-Ah! Adrien! I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I bow my head slightly so I avoid his gaze, but my body looks up anyway to just catch a glimpse. His smile warms my chest and soothes my bodies tensed muscles.

"You have nothing to worry about at all! Really! Though I would hurry and change before our gym coach gets here. He can be a hardass sometimes if we aren't 'punctual'. He says life is like a sports game - The game continues with or without you, so in order to win at life you must play and compete." Adrien scrunches his nose up slightly in confusion. I do the same.

"What does that even mean?" I furrow my brows together, tilting my head in wonder.

"Who knows, maybe we will understand with age or he is engulfed in his own little fantasy. Either way, you gotta get change now!" Adrien grips the side of my arms and pushes me into the locker room, shooing me to hurry up as he walks back into the gym. I take that as my cue to strip and quickly change into my gym wear. I slip on my shoes and quickly jog out, walking before I attract anyone's attention with my movement. The gym entrance slides open and a man walks in, full tracksuit and whistle at the ready. 

"Afternoon all! What a lovely day the weather has blessed us with!" He exclaims loudly, his voice bouncing of the gyms walls and ringing my ears. I hide away into the back of the group, hoping to create some sort of barrier from the loud voice.

"Now its come to my attention we have a new student! (Y/N)! Come on out so I can get a good look at you!" My eyes grow wide at his words. I shuffle forward slowly, other students moving to the side allowing me through. I look up at the coach with a slight smile.

"Here." He takes a step forward and moves behind me. I feel him grip my shoulders and place his knee into my back.

"Stand up straight. Posture is everything and can speak loudly without words! I don't like slackers in this class and slouching shows me you wont put in the hard work. Starting today you'll stand up straight. Learn to grasp that confidence in yourself and you'll begin to feel the world at your finger tips." He Chants while adjusting my bodies position. I feel a grasp on my shoulder.

"That's when you'll know you're becoming the best you that you can be." He gives me a gently smile, tightening his grip slightly as if trying to reassure me. That is quickly cut short however as he turns to the rest of the students.

"With this! I would like to have you all participate in a sport. This will teach you such posture, balance and when to seize opportunities much like life! Adrien, if you'll please lend us your expertise in todays lesson I would very much appreciate it." I watch Adrien step forward with an eager smile.

"Sure thing Coach! More than happy to help." He chirps, looking over towards me where I stood stiff not wanting to break my 'perfect' posture. I raise a brow, wondering what todays sport/lesson could possibly be. My thoughts are answered as I witness the coach unlock a cabinet and remove what looked like swords. I watch as Adrien picks on up, swiftly maneuvering it around in his grasp.

"These are Foils - also known as Sabres or Epee. We will be using this here to practice some basic fencing sequences and techniques!" Adrien's eyes light up ever so slightly while he talks. His smile growing slightly wider showing his pearly white teeth. So we will be fencing today then huh? I'm intrigued! Nervous, but intrigued! I pick up a Foil and proceed to feel the grip.

"Here-" Adrien grips my hand in his and adjusts my grip on the Foil. His hands are slightly rough but warm to the touch.

"You'll find it a lot easier if you hold it like this. Especially if your facing an a opponent who can easily disarm you or close the distance." I take a deep breath in and hold it, trying to calm my nerves at the close proximity. The coach proceeds to take the class along with a few tips and chime in's from Adrien. We partner up and I find myself along with Adrien who had asked to practice with me.

"You sure you want me as an opponent? I'm just an easy target!" I weakly hold out the Fail out in front of me, not sure what to do next." My breath is shaky and is a dead give away of my nerves. Adrien smiles, chuckling through his teeth.

"Trust me, you got this yeah? I'm sure you can kick ass! Its just a practice, Ill go easy!" He sends me a cheeky wink and thumbs up. My cheeks flushing slightly at the gesture. Though before I can think he lunges forward, my instincts kicking in and jumping out of the way.

"Great! Good reaction time, though lets see how you do in a sequence yeah?" He smiles before lunging at me once more. I continue to dodge his attacks, one after another. He suddenly stops looking at me with his shiny green eyes, pushing his blonde locks back and out of his eyes.

"Now, the thing is - You have a Foil as well to defend and attack. don't get me wrong, your quick on your toes, however if you want this is end you'll need a plan of attack. Find an opening and go for it!" I nod at his words, positioning myself once more to start over. I inhale, holding my breath for a couple of seconds. Adrien lunges forward and I quickly move my feet a step back so I am out of range, though he quickly catches on and takes another step forward. My body reacts quickly and shifts ever so slightly to the side, his Foil just barely missing my torso. I quickly step forward to try close the gap, but he uses his Foil to deflect any chance I had of winning. He quickly charges and attacks my torso, deeming my loss of the match. He looks at me with soft eyes.

"You sure are fast and quick on your feet. If you practiced I think you could make it big in Fencing!" He smiles patting my back. I return the smile and nod a quick thank you.

"Thank you, you were honestly amazing! I can tell you have done this for awhile. Do you do this competitively as well?" I raise a brow in question. Adrien brings up the back of his hand and quickly wipes away any residue sweat on his forehead. 

"Yeah, I do actually! Hence why the coach asked for some help today." Adrien walks over to the bench and grabs a water bottle, taking a large gulp.

"And do you enjoy it?" I sit on the bench while he stands looking down at me.

"I do, especially if I have pent up stress or anything... Though it can get pretty daunting when your expected to go so far..." He turns taking a seat beside me. He leans and places his elbows on his knees, watching the class pack up their equipment. 

"Do you think I could ever see you in a match?" I spew out without fully thinking. Adrien looks over his shoulder at me with a slight gleam in his eyes. He proceeds to sit up properly sending me a warm smile,

"I would love if you were to watch me in a match. Who knows, maybe you could learn a thing or two as well! See what you think!" I smile on instinct and nod.

"Well ill be sure to be at the next match then!" My chest filled with warmth.

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